Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Stoneyhurst School District 4060
SE 4 26 1 west of the fourth meridian

Rosefarm School District 263 southwest of Herbert

Submitter, photographs © This picture was submitted by whalli

Canada contemporary Map.

Canada contemporary Map.
North-West Territories of Canada before the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan formed in 1905.  (Became the Northwest Territories in 1912.)
North-West Territories of Canada before the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan formed in 1905. (Became the Northwest Territories in 1912.)

The provisional districts of "Assiniboia" and "Saskatchewan" did not use the current eastern and western boundaries, but extended to range 10 west of the 4th meridian and the provisional district of Saskatchewan had an eastern border at Lake Winnipeg. The province of Alberta and Saskatchewan are currently divided exactly upon the 4th meridian since 1905. Any school districts in the North-West Territories which locate west of the 4th meridian as Stoneyhurst does, was actually located in the provisional district of "Assiniboia." As this provisional district extended from the 33rd township southward to the U.A Canada border.

However, as Stoneyhurst existed between the years of 1934-1941, the location, SE 4 26 1 west of the fourth meridian, fully places it in the province of Alberta. The question arises, during the economic depression and drought years of the "dirty thirties" did students attend the one room schoolhouse of closest expedience and were allowances made if a student in Saskatchewan crossed the political "provincial" border to attend the physically closer school of Stoneyhurst.

Atlas of SaskatchewanCelebrating the Millennium 1999 Edition and 1969 Edition Selected Maps

School Maps

Canadian Online Historical Map Digisitation Project
Stoneyhurst School District 4060 Map
School District Maps, Saskatchewan boundaries marked

Rural Municipality of Chesterfield No. 261 is just east of the Saskatchewan border. Eatonia, is the seat of municipality, Village Mantario, Organized Hamlets Laporte, Hamlets Cuthbert and Eyre

Gallery Other images submitted by whalli

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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
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1. From: whalli
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Emailing: SK - Stoneyhurst SD - to Kindersley 307
Date June 4, 2017