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Canada Year Book Statistics ~ Chapter Education

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The Country School in Non-English Speaking Communities in SK. 1915.
Survey of Education. 1918.
The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes. 1924.

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Canada Year Book (CYB) Historical Collection Browse by Year 1867-1967 in pdf format. Statistics Canada.
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  • The Canada Year Book 1906. Second Series. Ottawa. Printed by S.E. Dawson. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1907.

  • The Canada Year Book 1911. Second Series. Ottawa. Printed by C.H. Parmelee, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1912

  • The Canada Year Book 1916-17 Published by Authority of The Right Hon. Sir George E. Foster, K.C.M.G., M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. J. DE l. Tache, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1917

  • The Canada Year Book 1921. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Published by Authority of The Honourable J.A. Robb, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. F.A. Acland. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1922

  • The Canada Year Book 1922-23. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics General Statistics Branch. Published by Authority of The Honourable Thos. A. Low, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. F.A. Acland. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1924.

  • The Canada Year Book 1931. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics General Statistics Branch. Published by Authority of The Honourable H.H. Stevens, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. F.A. Acland. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1931

  • The Canada Year Book 1934-35. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics General Statistics Branch. Published by Authority of The Honourable R.B. Hanson, K.C., M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. J.O. Patenaude, Esq. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1935

  • The Canada Year Book 1937. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics General Statistics Branch. Published by Authority of The Honourable William D. Euler, Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. J.O. Patenaude, Esq. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1937.

  • The Canada Year Book 1938. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics General Statistics Branch. Department of Trade and Commerce, Canada. Published by Authority of The Honourable William D. Euler, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. J.O. Patenaude, Esq. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1938

  • The Canada Year Book 1939. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics General Statistics Branch. Department of Trade and Commerce, Canada. Published by Authority of The Honourable William D. Euler, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. J.O. Patenaude, Esq. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1939

  • The Canada Year Book 1941. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics General Statistics Branch. Department of Trade and Commerce, Canada. Published by Authority of The Honourable James A. MacKinnon, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. Edmond Cloutier King's Printer. 1941.

  • The Canada Year Book 1942. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Department of Trade and Commerce, Canada. Published by Authority of The Honourable James A. MacKinnon, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. Edmond Cloutier, King's Printer. 1942.

  • The Canada Year Book 1951. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Econmic Conditions of the Dominion. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Department of Trade and Commerce, Canada. Published by Authority of The Honourable C.D. Howe, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. Edmond Cloutier, King's Printer. 1951.

  • The Canada Year Book 1956. The Official Handbook of Present Conditions and Recent Progress. Prepared in the Canada Year Book Section Information Services Division. Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Department of Trade and Commerce, Canada. Published by Authority of The Honourable C.D. Howe, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. Edmond Cloutier, King's Printer. 1956.

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