Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

St Joseph De Dauphinais School District 317
Catholic Public School District 15 of the North-West Territories

Northwest section 10 township 25 range 12 west of the 2nd meridian
First school location: SE sectio 16 township 25 range 12 west of the second meridian
1895 closed
Second school location NW NW section 10 township 25 range 12 west of the 2nd meridian.
1919 School name changed from St Joseph De Dauphinais Catholic Public School District No. 15 to St. Joseph de Daupinais Public School District No. 317
Two room brick schoolhouse constructed 1922
near Ituna and Foam Lake, Saskatchewan
1961 became community centre.

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 St Joseph De Dauphinais School District 317, Foam Lake, Northwest section 10 township 25 range 12 west of the 2nd meridian, 1887-1961, Ituna

Submitter, Historical one room schoolhouse photograph © taken by Teresa Bereti

Good day,

I was cruising around some back roads when I caught sight of this. Backed my truck up to the approach to take a better look. This place was well hidden in a grove of trees. I did not take a picture of the historical marker, (read it), only the building. Which by the way, scared the heck out of me! I took pictures from a safe distance. I was still shaking 45 minutes later because of this building.

Not sure what town I came out by, may have started with an I. Was camping in Foam Lake, SK so this building is an hour or so south of there.

I couldn't find this on your website or any information on internet.

I'll keep checking your site for updates. Enjoyed looking through the pictures on your webpage. Been to a few of them through my travels. I'm one of those people that stop at EVERY marker, point of interest or whatever :) We have a lot of history in western Canada, not even sure if they teach any of it in school anymore.

Thank you for preserving our history,

Teresa Bereti

Dear Teresa,

Thank you for sending in this awesome picture. I am glad you were cautious of taking the photo. It is intriguing to capture and document the historical schoolhouses which were brick, as many of them started out as log and then frame buildings. The majority of consolidated (three or more rooms) or union (two room) schoolhouses were brick. I too, enjoy stopping and celebrating history as we travel as well, and it is amazing what can still be found on the back roads, still.

It has been a pleasure to try to document as many schoolhouses or plaques as possible. It was unnerving to see some local schoolhouses locally no longer standing, which is one of the reasons which prompted me to begin the project, to preserve their memory.

Kind Regards


Nearby Placenames:

Foam Lake Southwest section 32 township 30 range 11 wwest of the 2nd meridian
Ituna Southwest section 21 township 25 range 11 west of the 2nd meridian Latitude - Longitude 51º 10' 5'' N, 103º 29' 54'' W OR 51.1681442, -103.4984639
Ituna Bon Accord Rural Municipality No. 246

Neighbouring School Districts.

GARNOCK School District # 2227 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian Kelliher / Garnock

BERESFORD School District # 1886 NE Sec 16 Tsp 25 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian Kelliher

JASMINE School District # 2078 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 12 W of the 2 Meridian Jasmin

SHAWLANDS School District # 2161 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian Headlands

FRUITVALE School District # 2240 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian Ituna

1856 SHAWLANDS School District # 2161 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian Headlands

2281 FILE HILLS School District # 957 SE Sec 30 ? [SIC] Tsp 24 Rge 12 W of the 2 Meridian Ituna

For more information:

So much is ours : history of Ituna-Hubbard area Pages 262-263

Maps Courtesy of

Saskatchewan Historical One Room School District Maps

Canadian Historical Maps Digistisation Project; 1924 Rand McNally Map

For Township, Range, Meridian explained

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1. From: Teresa Bereti
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster Subject: Bissell 2745 one room schoolhouse, Saskatchewan
Date September 5, 2013