Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Reno Hill School District 5158
South east section 18 township 53 range 11 west of the 2nd meridian
near Mossy Vale, SK, CA
north west section 28 township 53 range 11 west of the 2 meridian
E.B. Campbell Dam, Tobin Lake, Saskatchewan

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Submitter, photographs © The Reno Hill School District 5158 schoolhouse pictures were submitted by Jess

Reno Hill School. My grandmother Elizabeth Lenora (Bryan) Oram was schoolteacher here. My grandparents were homesteaders near Mossy Vale, SK and their original farm was flooded with the creation of Tobin Lake and the E.B. Campbell Dam.


(For more about the Mossy Lake region and the creation of Tobin Lake and the E.B. Campbell Dam.)

Reno Hill School District 5158
South east section 18 township 53 range 11 west of the 2nd meridian

near Mossy Vale, SK, CA
Located at north west section 28 township 53 range 11 west of the 2 meridian
E.B. Campbell Hydroelectric Station, Squaw Rapids Dam, Tobin Lake
Located at Section 12 Township 54 range 10 west of the 2nd meridian

Other neighbouring school districts and placenames

Moose Range Rural Municipality 486
Glen Horne School District 5048 SE quarter of section 2 township 51 range 10 west of the 2 meridian.
Grassy Lake School District
Kirkwell (Kirkwall) School District 4647 SE section ? township 52 range 16 west of the 2nd meridian
Wellands school district 4473 south west section 27 township 50 range 15 west of the 2 meridian (1922-1961)
Labalm School District
Squaw Rapids School District

Petaigan post office had three locations:
  • north west quarter of section 33 township 51 range 11 west of the 2nd meridian 1953
  • NW quarter section 22, township 51, range 11, west of the 2 meridian
  • SE Section 4, Township 52, Range 11, west of the 2 meridian

Ravendale post office SW Section 3, Township 53, R.10, West of the 2nd Meridian
Moose Range post office North west quarter of section 16 township 49 range 12 west of the 2nd meridian
Petaigan River
Garrick hamlet Northwest section 17 township 52 range 16 west of the 2nd meridian
Beaver House post office north east quarter section 34 township 50 range 15 west of the 2 meridian
Ravine Bank (two locations) Section 14, Township 51, Range 14, west of the 2nd meridian
and Section 16, Township 50, Range 14, west of the 2nd meridian
Prince Albert township 38 range 26 west of the 2nd meridian
Carrot River section 17 township 49 range 11 west of the 2 meridian
Nipawin section 16 township 50 range 14 west of the 2 meridian

Maps courtesy of:
School District Maps
1925 Waghorn Railway Map and guide
1924 Rand McNally Map
Astronaut Photography from mission STS41G GEON (geographic name) Canada-S Squaw Rapids Dam Latitude 53.5 Longitude -103.5 Year month and day 19841009 ?Image courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center"

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1. From: Jess
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Reno Hill School photo
Date 01/03/2013