Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical eduational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Ukraina SD #974
Tsp 28 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian near Gorlitz, SK

Photograph submitted bBy Red Lauttamus

Ukraina SD #974
Tsp 28 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian near Gorlitz, SK

Ukraina SD 974 site

Ukraina SD 974 plaque

Ukraina SD 974 cairn

Ukraina SD 974
bottom of sign (BIG)

Ukraina SD 974
top of sign (BIG)

Ukraina School

Ukraina School Number 974 (1908-1959)
School district was organized under the name of Gerofield and changed one year later to Ukraina. First clases were held one-half mile west at a private home. Two years later the 23'x24' structure was erected on this site at a cost of $190.00. In 1930 the school was lengthened by 14 feet to accomoate enrollments of over 60 students. A total of 265 pupils from 56 families attended. Declining enrollment and formation of the larger school unit led to the school's closure.

The map shows the locations and names of families whose children attened Ukraina School. Circled number denotes the number of children in the family. Bracketed name is the mother's maiden name.

- Cairn Erected 1989.
Homesteaders excerpted from the map on the monument
SURNAME Given MAIDEN Quarter Section
Anaka John NE 30
Anaka Mary Romaniuk NE 30
Anaka Eli NE 32
Anaka Mary Procyshyn NE 32
Anaka Mihay NE 32
Anaka Frasina Stowaway NE 32
Anaka John SE 32
Anaka Lena Wasylshyn SE 32
Ananichuk Nestor SW 4
Ananichuk Pearl Gryp SW 4
Ananichuk Prokop SW 4
Ananichuk Nastia Baryluk SW 4
Ananichuk Yasko NW 32
Andreash Wasyl NW 27
Andreash Nellie Zaderayko NW 27
Anonichuk Bill NE 9
Anonichuk Mary Dutka NE 9
Barschel NE 34
Bilowus John SW 20
Bilowus Mary Stuporak SW 20
Brown George NE 34
Brown Eva Becker NE 34
Buzinsky Uscob NE 20
Buzinsky Mary Chornomud NE 20
Cross Church/Cemetery NW 9
Cross Church/Cemetery SW 20
Dutka Nick SW 9
Dutka Pauline Osadchuk SW 9
Dutka Wasyl SW 16
Dutka Annie Stratychuk SW 16
Dutka Alex SE 17
Dutka Teenie Skehar SE 17
Dymianiw Nick Maria SW 21
Dymianiw Maria Ananichuk SW 21
Feniuk Wasyl SW 3
Feniuk Irene Andreash SW 3
Fostey Mike SE 1
Fostey Nellie Matychuk SE 1
Fostey Pete NE 20
Fostey Mary Chornomud NE 20
Gallant Joe SE 31
Gallant Polly Fostey SE 31
Gulak George SE 29
Gulak Myrtle Todosychuk SE 29
Gulak Nicoli SE 29
Gulak Maria Kobyika SE 29
Heshka Metro SE 20
Heshka Maria Pankow SE 20
Kitar George NW 27
Kitar Mary Andreah NW 27
Kriger Ferdinand SW 3
Kriger Pauline Breitkreuz SW 3
Lewchuk John NW 4
Lewchuk Wasylna Kasinyak NW 4
Lewchuk Nick SE 4
Lewchuk Emily Umrysh SE 4
Lischynski Peter SW 3
Lischynski Mary Shiahetka SW 3
Lischynski Dmetro NE 4
Lischynski Caroline Fiowski NE 4
Lischynski Metro NE 4
Lischynski Mary Panchuk NE 4
Lischynski Dora Tomuik SE 4
Lischysnki Frank SE 4
Mihaichuk Nick NE 29
Mihaichuk Anne Hudema NE 29
Mihaichuk Myketa SW 32
Mihaichuk Mary Nimeck SW 32
Nielson NE 34
Ozirney Alex NE 19
Ozirney Mary Bilowus NE 19
Procyshyn Alex SE 33
Procyshyn Stella Romaniuk SE 33
Procyshyn Peter SW 33
Procyshyn Mary Shouchuk SW 33
Procyshyn Mihay SW 34
Procyshyn Aksana Repay SW 34
School NW 33
Settler NE 34
Sirak Peter NE 36
Sirak Katie Stuporak NE 36
Skehar Wasyl NW 20
Skehar Anne NW 20
Wasylyshen Mike SW 28
Wasylyshen Anne Yakiwhcuk SW 28
Wiwchar John NE 6
Wiwchar Katherine Olynick NE 6
Wiwchar Nick NW 6
Wiwchar Katyrine Danylchuk NW 6
Wiwchar Alex SE 6
Wiwchar Mary Olynick SE 6
Wiwchar Jacob SW 6
Wiwchar Aksana Bordeniul SW 6
Wiwchar Mike SE 7
Wiwchar Lena Wiwchar SE 7
Wiwchar Harry SW 7
Wiwchar Nettie Wiwchar SW 7
Wiwchar Mary Mihaichuk SW 8
Wiwchar John SW 8
Wiwchar J.M. SE 9
Wiwchar Nellie Wihnan SE 9
Wiwchar Joe NW 32
Wiwchar Pauline Dennis NW 32
Wiwchar Dmytro NW 36
Wiwchar Mary Dymianiw NW 36
Yanush Tony SW 20
Yanush Mary Berehula SW 20
Zaderayko Dam NE 28
Zaderayko Aksana NE 28
Teachers (Alphabetical) excerpted from the map on the monument
Achtemichuk Pearl Teachers 1908-1959
Anaka William Teachers 1908-1959
Clark Ernet Teachers 1908-1959
Danylchuk John Teachers 1908-1959
Darling John Teachers 1908-1959
Davidson Gladys Teachers 1908-1959
Davidson James Teachers 1908-1959
Dymianiw Samuel Teachers 1908-1959
Gorchynski Adela Teachers 1908-1959
Houston Stuart Teachers 1908-1959
Hukins Roy Teachers 1908-1959
Jewkes Jas Teachers 1908-1959
Kereliuk Mary Teachers 1908-1959
Knight Annie Teachers 1908-1959
Kunetsky John Teachers 1908-1959
Kvern Edwin Teachers 1908-1959
Lukaschuk John Teachers 1908-1959
Marchuk Nellie Teachers 1908-1959
McDonald John Teachers 1908-1959
McGill Fred Teachers 1908-1959
McMahan Eunice Teachers 1908-1959
Naduriak Mary Kitchen Teachers 1908-1959
Negrych Joseph Teachers 1908-1959
Onofreyt Mary Teachers 1908-1959
Orme David Teachers 1908-1959
Owsianek Wm Teachers 1908-1959
Perich Anna Teachers 1908-1959
Perry Wm Teachers 1908-1959
Rubashewsky John Teachers 1908-1959
Sametz John Teachers 1908-1959
Stanko James Teachers 1908-1959
Stusek Nora Teachers 1908-1959
Surkan Victoria Teachers 1908-1959
Uhryniuk Wm Teachers 1908-1959
Waind Verle Teachers 1908-1959
Wiwchar Frederick Teachers 1908-1959
Wiwchar Martha Teachers 1908-1959
Wiwchar Nestor Teachers 1908-1959
Wonitoy Bill Teachers 1908-1959
Wowschuk Mary Teachers 1908-1959
Zerebko Orest Teachers 1908-1959
Zvarich Nocholas Teachers 1908-1959

According to Western Land Grants (1870-1930) a land grant patent certificate was issued to some of the homesteaders mentioned above. Randomly looking up a few of them to determine not only section and quarter section as given above, but also to determine the township, range and meridian.

SURNAME, Given   Quarter Section Township Range West of the 2 Meridian
Anaka, John   NE 30 28 4 W2
Barschel, Johann Paul   NE 34 28 4 W2
Dutka, Wasel   SW 16 29 4 W2
Dymianiw, Nykolaj   LS 3,4,6 2 29 5 W2
Wiwchar, Jacob   SW 6 29 4 W2
Wiwchar, Alexander   SE 6 29 4 W2
Wiwchar, Dmytro   PT NW 36 28 5 W2

"Western Land Grants (1870-1930)". Exploration and Settlement. National Library and Archives. 2007-09-28. Retrieved 2010-12-15.

For more information about homestead records and other searchable databases in this regards see:
Adamson, Julia (23-Feb-2009). "Saskatchewan Gen Web Project Homestead Records". Rootsweb. Retrieved 2010-12-15.

Also, TETLOCK post office was located at NW Sec.25, Twp.28, R.4, W2 between the years of 1892-04-01 to 1912-09-01. Tetlock was the former name of Gorlitz. GORLITZ post office was located at Sec.36, Twp.28, R.4, W2 From Post Offices and Postmasters - Philately and Postal History -National Library and Archives - Government of Canada

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1. From: Red Lauttamus
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject: Ukraina School
Date: May 2010

Ukraina school district #974, Ukraina SD#974, Ukraina SD974, Ukraina school, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, historical, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house,Ukraina school district #974, Ukraina SD#974, Ukraina SD974, Ukraina school, Ukraina school district #974, Ukraina SD#974, Ukraina SD974, Ukraina school,