Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical eduational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

New Finland 435

SE 26 Tsp 17 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian
SW 20 Tsp 17 R 33 W of the 1st Meridian


The first school, a log building about 25 ft X 20 ft and 11 ft high, was started to be built in November 1897. This school closed 1955. A new school was built on SE 26-17-01 W2nd which closed in 1961 when the students were bussed to Whitewood Sask.

NOTE:Early picture from the Life in the New Finland Woods : a history of New Finland, Saskatchewan used with permission of the copyright holder, New Finland Historical and Heritage Society.

New Finland School District No. 435, 1897-1955
SE 26 Tsp 17 R 01 W of the 2nd Meridian

New Finland School District No. 435, 1955-1961
SW 20 Tsp 17 R 33 W of the 1st Meridian

New Finland SD 435

New Finland Church

New Finland Class

Both New Finland School Signs
School Districts in the area of New Finland Colony
South East of Melville, SK

Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958
NE 34 Tsp 17 Rge 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961
NE 9 Tsp 17 Rge 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966
NW 10 Tsp 18 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian

Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959
NE 27 Tsp 16 Rge 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959
SW 18 Tsp 17 Rge 32 W of the 1st Meridian

Cranbrook SD #4753 1937-1963
SE 4 Tsp 16 Rge 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Elliott SD #4742 1928-1962
SE 15 Tsp 16 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian

Hopehill SD #1519 1906-1965
SE 1 Tsp 17 Rge 2 W of the 2nd Meridian

Deerwood SD #465 1898-1962
SE 3 Tsp 17 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian

Forest Farm SD #90 1889-1957
NE 20 Tsp 17 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian

History of New Finland by Ralph Gallop transcription New Finland District

New Finland
Area Sign

New Finland Area Map

1925 Map

New Finland SD map S

SD Maps

New Finland SD map N

SD maps

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NOTE:Early picture from the Life in the New Finland Woods : a history of New Finland, Saskatchewan used with permission of the copyright holder,New Finland Historical and Heritage Society.

1. From: Red Lauttamus
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Webmaster
Date: March 19, 2009

Windsor School District No. 265, Orkney School District No. 97, Sandy River School District No. 1717, Windsor School District No. 265, Orkney School District No. 97, Sandy River School District No. 1717, Windsor School District No. 265, Orkney School District No. 97, Sandy River School District No. 1717, Windsor School District No. 265, Orkney School District No. 97, Sandy River School District No. 1717,Nurmi Oja SD #1416, 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640, 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518, 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023, 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309, 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753, 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742, 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519, 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465, 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90, 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland Colony, Finnish, Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959, Nurmi Oja SD #1416, 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640, 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518, 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023, 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309, 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753, 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742, 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519, 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465, 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90, 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland Colony, Finnish, Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland Colony, Finnish, Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland Colony, Finnish, Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland Colony, Finnish,Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, historical, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house,