Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Churchbridge Rural Municipality No. 211 Saskatchewan Canada
1917 Rural Municipality Maps

School Inspectorate Map.
Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.
Map collection B 8/2.
Commissioner of Education Boundaries. 1917.
merald No. 277, Kutawa Rural Municipality 278 disorganised June January 1, 2004. Mount Hope No. 279, Elfros No. 307, Big Quill No. 308, Prairie Rose No. 309, Saskatchewan, Canada

Emerald No. 277, 	Kutawa Rural Municipality 278 disorganised June January 1, 2004. Mount Hope No. 279, 	Elfros No. 307, Big Quill No. 308, 	Prairie Rose No. 309, Saskatchewan, Canada

1917 Rural Municipality Maps | Gallery | SK SchoolHouse Project

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