, New PINE RIDGE School District # 1018 Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian Bright Sand P.O.South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3 Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project:

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

PINE RIDGE School District # 1018
Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian
Bright Sand P.O.South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3

New PINE RIDGE 	School District # 1018 Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 	Rge 20 	W of the 3 Meridian Bright Sand P.O.South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3
New PINE RIDGE School District # 1018

New PINE RIDGE 	School District # 1018 Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 	Rge 20 	W of the 3 Meridian Bright Sand P.O. South west quarter of section 16South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3 Map
New PINE RIDGE School District # 1018 Map

Pine Ridge School NW 21 54 20 W3

Bright Sand District, R.M. of Greenfield 529 (Now R.M. of Mervin 499)

The new Pine Ridge school was built in 1950 and opened January 1, 1951 with Mrs. Alice (nee Madden) Johnson as teacher. [Old Pine Ridge School 1018] The school had a full basement, indoor toilets, new individual desks and a wood and coal furnace, but no electricity. Mrs. Johnson was the teacher until June 1952 then Mrs. Vera (Anderson) Davidson became teacher in September, 1952 and stayed until it closed in 1963. After the school closed students were bussed to St. Walburg and the school was sold to to the German Sudetan club. Until a few years ago the school was used for various activities, but was finally transferred to the municipality for their shop and equipment. Time finally caught up to the school and the roof collapsed in the winter of 2012 to 2013 now only memories remain.

E.J. (Butch) Peterson



by E.J. (Butch) Peterson

I started school at Pine Ridge in June 1951 with Mrs. Alice Johnson as teacher, but was stricken with Impetigo and by the time it cleared up my parents and the teacher decided to let me start over the next year. In June 1952 I restarted with Mrs. Vera Davidson as my teacher. Mrs. Davidson was a superior teacher although we didn't realize it at the time. She taught about 35 students from grades 1 to 8 and often involved the whole class in discussions about books she read to us. The reading was usually a few minutes each day and then she would ask questions and all of us were encouraged to participate. Those readings were always looked forward to and I believe her method of teaching gave younger students a head start for the next year. Vera also made sure that all ages, girl or boy, participated in sports such as scrub baseball and football and some boys learned that some girls were tough opponents. Vera was my teacher until 1960 and helped me catch up by taking grade 7 and 8 in the same term, she also tutored me for grade 9 correspondence. After Pine Ridge closed, Mrs. Davidson taught at Paradise Hill one term and Mudie Lake retiring in 1965. I often wonder how she managed the ten mile round trip from home to Pine Ridge, winter and summer, often with horse and buggy or caboose and still manage to teach us reluctant scholars as well as she did. Vera passed away a few years ago, but she contributed a lot more to our lives than many of us give her credit for.

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For more information:

Book: Bright Sand to green fields
compiled by Greenfield Historical Society

Nearby School Districts online

The above school districts also submitted by E.J. (Butch) Peterson

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John (Butch) and Alice Peterson