Collection Call Number R.177.11
Description: Orders Issued by the Commissioner of Education.

Collection File Number: 4.1
10 Sept 1901 to 31 Oct 1902

Collection File Number: 4.2
Oct 14 1902 to 26 Aug 1903

Collection File Number: 4.3
6 Aug 1903 to 9 May 1904

Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy,
preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.
Handwritten Alphabetical Index from the original books.
Transcribed Index of 175 Selected Orders selected from the books.


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Saskatchewan One Room School House Orders Issued by the Commissioner of Education. Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. Sept 1901- May 1904

Handwritten Alphabetical Index from the original books.
Transcribed Index of Online Orders selected from the books.

NOTE The numbers given beside the school district names in the index images are for pages in the three books mentioned above.
They are not the school district numbers.

These images were placed online from the books; the actual Orders issued by the Commissioner of Education, to ascertain the entire all-encompassing locations of these selected school districts.

Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project

Important Notice

Note: these images were placed online courtesy of the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.
For further publication use, please contact the archives branch, thank you.

Each original page in the above noted books were about 8-1/2 x 11 inch letter size format. Online each page of Commissioner orders is divided into six segments lengthwise, labelled "a" for the top sixth, then "b", "c", "d", "e" and finally "f" for the bottom sixth to enable a larger type face for online publication. Each online segment, a,b,c,d,e and f overlaps each other slightly to not loose information between segments. The table of contents pages were divided into quarters. On your keyboard, hold the control key at the same time as the + key to enlarge further, and the control key at the same time as the - key to reduce in viewing size.

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Note: these images were placed online courtesy of the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.
For further publication use, please contact the archives branch, thank you.

The schools listed here are not the complete one room schools ever in existence within the history of the province of Saskatchewan, but rather a sampling. If anyone wishes to contribute the teacher listing (trustees, school location, dates) for any missing schools, it would be appreciated and would make a much more comprehensive listing, and such listings would then be added, with a credit to the submitter of the additional information.

Orders issued by the Commissioner of Education, 29th August 1903 to 9th May 1904, R-177.11 4.3, R 177.11 4.2, R 177.11 4.1,Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan, SaskatchewanGenWebProject,Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan, SaskatchewanGenWebProject, One Room School ProjectOrders issued by the Commissioner of Education, 29th August 1903 to 9th May 1904, R-177.11 4.3, R 177.11 4.2, R 177.11 4.1,Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan, SaskatchewanGenWebProject,Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan, SaskatchewanGenWebProject, One Room School Project Sask, Sk, Canada, township, range, meridian, vintage, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project Saskatchewan one room school house photographs, Saskatchewan historic education, One Room School Districts, One Room Schoolhouses, Old Schools, Heritage Schools,