, Old PINE RIDGE School District # 1018 Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian Bright Sand P.O.South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3 Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project:

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

PINE RIDGE School District # 1018
Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian
Bright Sand P.O.South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3

Old PINE RIDGE 	School District # 1018 Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 	Rge 20 	W of the 3 Meridian Bright Sand P.O.South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3
Old PINE RIDGE School District # 1018

Old PINE RIDGE 	School District # 1018 November 1913 Attendance Record, Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 	Rge 20 	W of the 3 Meridian Bright Sand P.O.South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3
Old PINE RIDGE School District # 1018

Old PINE RIDGE 	School District # 1018 Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 	Rge 20 	W of the 3 Meridian Bright Sand P.O. South west quarter of section 16South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3 Map
Old PINE RIDGE School District # 1018 Map

The first Pine Ridge school was built in 1913 by C.W. Stevens for $845.00 on a parcel of land, NW 24 54 20 W3, donated by my Grandfather, J.P. Peterson. The committee in charge of getting it done was Trustee A.L. Manson, members Fred Gunderson, Anton Johnson, Fred Courts, George Hanson, Olaf Magnuson, A. Gunderson, Nels Hanson, J.P. Peterson, Gust Gillen, Andrew Hollang, Oscar Olson, John MacDonald, Emil Hedeman, Peter Hanson, Elmer Gunderson, Peter C. Peterson and Chairman Bernt Johnson.

Miss Kathrina Manson was hired as the first teacher Sept. 15, 1913 to Dec. 19, 1913 at $50.00 per mopnth. Other teachers later were Christine Manson, Boyd Wood, Muriel Hollbrook, W.E. Early, Louise Habenicht, A. McMurchy, D.L.M. Jones, A.A. Brain, Mrs. S.A. Parks, C.E. Read, Miss M.C. Stewart, Vera Anderson, Eva Snelgrove, Laura Hannon, Miss Craig, Martha Johan, Bud Doell, Louana Brown, Verna Brown, Mrs. Tom Brady, Miss Phyllis Hamilton and the last teacher was Alice Johnson.

A new school was built in 1950 on the same grounds and the old school closed after Christmas break. Later it was used for Christmas concerts, dances, meetings and even elections. Not much left now, but it did it's job.

E.J. (Butch) Peterson

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For more information:

Book: Bright Sand to green fields
compiled by Greenfield Historical Society

Nearby School Districts online

The above school districts also submitted by E.J. (Butch) Peterson

Image of the November 1913 Attendance Record added July 16, 2015, also by E.J. (Butch) Peterson

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John (Butch) and Alice Peterson