Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Moosehorn Scholars

Moosehorn Scholars

I can't with any certainty make out the date and I have no idea where Moosehorn School was. Anyway, something for your archives (online digitised archives at the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project). It was in the collection of George Evans and Myrtle Calvert/Evans so I am not sure if it relates to her schooling in Manitoba or something George Evans was involved with.
Let me know if anyone can identify it.
Doug Evans

Webmaster notes:

There was a Moosehorn school in Saskatchewan:
Please e-mail if this can be confirmed from the photograph that it was the following school or not.
Moosehorn School District 564 Tsp 37 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 107 near the area of Hendon or Fosston

Hendon is a hamlet located at
Location : 36-13-W2
Latitude - Longitude : 52º 5' 22'' N, 103º 49' 49'' W
Latitude - Longitude (decimal) : 52.0893610, -103.8303944

Fosston is a village located at
Location : 21-37-13-W2
Latitude - Longitude : 52º 11' 29'' N, 103º 48' 51'' W
Latitude - Longitude (decimal) : 52.1912721, -103.814283384

Hendon highlights : the history of Hendon and district : oxen ways to now-a-days
[Hendon, Sask. : Hendon and District Historical Association], 1982.
Fosston flashbacks : the history of Fosston and district
Fosston & District Reunion Committee.
ISBN 0889251703

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Wednesday April 11, 2012
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Doug Evans