Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Mawer School District 4000

near Mawer Unincorporated area
Location section 5- township 21- range 3-West of the 3rd meridian
Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 50° 45' 0'' N, 106° 24' 2'' W
Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 50.7500309, -106.4006128
Eyebrow Rural Municipality No. 193
near the town of Central Butte, SW 21-21-4-W3
Province Saskatchewan
Country Canada

  Mawer School District 4000, (WILSON HILL 	School District # 2511) , Mawer Unincorporated area location section 5- township 21- range 3-West of the 3rd meridian, Province 	Saskatchewan, Country Canada, Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 	50° 45' 0'' N, 106° 24' 2'' W,Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 	50.7500309, -106.4006128,  Eyebrow Rural Municipality No. 193, near the town of Central Butte, SW 21-21-4-W3,  - Saskatchewan Gen Web

I noticed that they do not have to be ‘one-room’ schools in the project, so I am sending a photo of the students outside the Mawer School in 1926 or 7.
My father Joy Kleven and three younger brothers are in this photo.
My dad spoke very fondly of his teacher, Frank Martens. (EK)

Photograph copyright Eleanor Kreiser, Youngstown, Alberta


From the book Mawer Memories and Darmody Days. Editor Inez PagePublisher Mawer-Darmody Historical Society, 1984

BRANDVIEW School District # 2408 SOUTH WEST corner of the SW quarter of Sec 14 Tsp 19 Rge 2 W of the 3 is marked on the map, page 83 of the book Mawer Memories and Darmody Days and the school was operational between 1909 to 1960.

BISHOP HILL SD 3113 held their first school meeting in the summer of 1913, and the school was erected in the fall on the north east corner of the north west quarter section of section 7, township 20 range 2 west of the third meridian, just south of Darmody.

Brownlee village was located west of Salinger, and south of CHAMBERS School District # 1388 and north of school district 2014. REMNANT School District # 2014 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian was previously named SOUTH MULLINGAR School District # 2014. Brownlee village locates at south west section 36 township 20 range 1 west of the second meridian.

BROWNLEE School District # 2019 served the area of Brownlee

DARMODY SCHOOL DISTRICT 4314 residents came together in the spring of 1920 to organize their school district, and the school opened in January of 1921. In 1963, the school closed down, and following this in 1968, the village of Darmody located at North east section 24, township 20 range 3 west of the third meridian disorganised.

ESKBANK SCHOOL DISTRICT 1137 served the area of Eskbank. The CN siding was located on the north east quarter of section 1 township 20 range 2 west of the third meridian near the Eybrow Hill post office.

EYEBROW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2178 served the area around the village of Eyebrow. Eyebrow village is situated on north east 24 township 21 range 2 west of the second meridian.

FAULKTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3593 school house located on the north west quarter of section 11 township 20 range 1 west of the third meridian. On the map this school district is south of Brownlee, KNOLL HILL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2554 appears on the school district map east of WILSON HILL SD 2511 and west of SALINGER. KNOLL HILL school house was located on the south west quarter of section 5 township 21 range 2 west of the 3 meridian, operating between 1910 to 1942.

LAKE VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 1509 located at on the north half of section 23 tsp 19 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian near the hamlet of Lake Valley SE 26-19 1 W3. LAKE VALLEY was east of BRANDVIEW SD and south of FAULKINGTON SD 3593.

MAWER SCHOOL DISTRICT 4000 served the area around village of Mawer which was located on the south west quarter of section 5, township 21, range 3, west of the third meridian. The map within the book, Mawer Memories and Darmody Days, denotes the school house in the same location south west quarter of section 5, township 21, range 3, west of the third meridian. In this book, school district lands were re-arranged and sections 7,8, 5, 6 twp 21 r 3 W3, and sections 1, 12 Twp 21 r 4 W3 well as sections 29, 30, 31, 32 twp 20, W3 with section 25, 36 twp 21 r 4 W3 were allocated to the Mawer School district. These lands do not show on the school district map included on this web page, as this map was revised August 26, 1912, a date before the Mawer school disrtrict was organized.

NORMAN SD 1703 community held their first school meeting in December of 1906, and the school district served the area until the spring of 1970. The map notes the location as the south west corner of the south east quarter of section 24 township 19 range 2 west of the third meridian to the west of BRANDVIEW School District # 2408 SW Sec 14 Tsp 19 Rge 2 W of the 3.

SIMRISHILL SD 3152 (SIMRIS HILL) community erected their school on the south west corner of the south west quarter section of section 9 township 19 range 3 west of the third meridian to the west of NORMAN SD 1703. The school opened in July of 1913. For one year, pupils attended Darmody or Birds Eye View School due to a low enrolment of students. Again the school closed for after the 1947 school term, and did not re-open until September 1952. The school building was moved from the SW quarter section to the SE quarter one mile east to be more centrally located to the students attending. The school closed in 1956, and students were conveyed to Birds Eye View school, and later to Darmody, and later thenceforward into Mortlach.

VASSAR SCHOOL DISTRICT 2118 came together in the spring of 1908 and operated between 1911 - 1953. VASSAR was located west of Darmody and DARMODY SD 4314.

WESLEY VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2283 was another neighbouring school district located on the north east quarter of section 22 township 21 range 3 west of the third meridian according to the school district map in the book, operating between 1909-1942.

WILSON HILL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2511 community residents came together in December 1909 to form a school district. The school operated between 1910 and the spring of 1969. WILSON HILL school house was erected on the south half of section 33 township 20 range 3 west of the third meridian.

WINFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 1867was located on the north west quarter of section 21, township 21 range 2 west of the third meridian, operational between 1907-1956.

SCHOOL DISTRICTS on the map, revised August 26, 1912, shown on this web page include:
GRANDVIEW SD 1634 north west of BRANDVIEW SD 2408
Click on above image for larger size of photo

  Mawer School District 4000, (WILSON HILL 	School District # 2511) , Mawer Unincorporated area location section 5- township 21- range 3-West of the 3rd meridian, Province 	Saskatchewan, Country Canada, Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 	50° 45' 0'' N, 106° 24' 2'' W,Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 	50.7500309, -106.4006128,  Eyebrow Rural Municipality No. 193, near the town of Central Butte, SW 21-21-4-W3,  - Saskatchewan Gen Web

Map   Mawer School District 4000, (WILSON HILL 	School District # 2511) , Mawer Unincorporated area location section 5- township 21- range 3-West of the 3rd meridian, Province 	Saskatchewan, Country Canada, Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 	50° 45' 0'' N, 106° 24' 2'' W,Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 	50.7500309, -106.4006128,  Eyebrow Rural Municipality No. 193, near the town of Central Butte, SW 21-21-4-W3,

Note on this map the school district defined around Mawer is WILSON HILL School District # 2511, however the photo is for MAWER School.
Click on image for larger view.
The red lines on the map demark the boundaries between rural municipalities at the date of the map,
and the blue lines are the school district boundaries, again in the time frame when the map was drafted.

Webmaster notes:

Nearby Placenames:

Aquadell 29-19-6-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 30 kilometers from Mawer
Bridgeford 7-23-3-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 20 kilometers from Mawer
Brownlee 36-20-1-W3 is a nearby Village 27 kilometers from Mawer
Calderbank 23-19-7-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 35 kilometers from Mawer
Central Butte 21-21-4-W3 is a nearby Town 9 kilometers from Mawer
Chaplin 17-5-W3 is a nearby Village 37 kilometers from Mawer
Chaplin No. 164 is a nearby rural municipality office 37 kilometers from Mawer
Darmody 24-20-3-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 9 kilometers from Mawer
Elbow 11-25-5-W3 is a nearby Village 44 kilometers from Mawer
Enfield No. 194 is a nearby rural municipality office 19 kilometers from Mawer
Eskbank 1-20-2-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 20 kilometers from Mawer
Eyebrow 24-21-2-W3 is a nearby Village 18 kilometers from Mawer
Eyebrow No. 193 is a nearby rural municipality office 16 kilometers from Mawer
Gilroy 26-22-6-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 29 kilometers from Mawer
Grainland 19-23-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 28 kilometers from Mawer
Halvorgate 24-19-6-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 25 kilometers from Mawer
Huron No. 223 is a nearby rural municipality office 25 kilometers from Mawer
Kettlehut 10-20-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 9 kilometers from Mawer
Lake Valley 26-19-1-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 30 kilometers from Mawer
Lawson 9-22-5-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 21 kilometers from Mawer
Maple Bush No. 224 is a nearby rural municipality office 37 kilometers from Mawer
Mawer 5-21-3-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 0 kilometers from Mawer
Melba 13-17-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 35 kilometers from Mawer
Mistusinne 20,29-24-4-W3 is a nearby Village 36 kilometers from Mawer
Mortlach 22-17-1-W3 is a nearby Village 41 kilometers from Mawer
Parkbeg 19-17-2-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 35 kilometers from Mawer
Riverhurst 26-22-7-W3 is a nearby Village 37 kilometers from Mawer
Rowletta 10-19-29-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area 38 kilometers from Mawer
Secretan 26-17-4-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 32 kilometers from Mawer
Shooter Hill 24-20-7-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 32 kilometers from Mawer
Thunder Creek 35-19-5-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 17 kilometers from Mawer
Tugaske 13-22-3-W3 is a nearby Village 16 kilometers from Mawer
Uren 33-17-6-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 39 kilometers from Mawer
Valjean 25-17-5-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 33 kilometers from Mawer
Wheatlands No. 163 is a nearby rural municipality office 36 kilometers from Mawer
For more information:
Local History Book Mawer memories and Darmody days
compiled by Mawer-Darmody Historical Society
[edited by Inez Page]
[Central Butte, Sask.] : 1984.


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1. From: Photograph copyright Eleanor Kreiser, Youngstown, Alberta

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