Saskatchewan One Room School Project
provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Map north east of Yorkton around Mulock, SK and Stornoway, SK
One Room School District Maps from Provincial Archives, Regina, Saskatchewan

Map north east of Yorkton around Mulock, SK and Stornoway, SK
Map north east of Yorkton around Mulock, SK and Stornoway, SK

This is an email in reply to Karen RM as to which schools were near Mulock, Saskatchewan. Karen confirmed some school house locations in this area as family had been in attendance....

  • Fedoruk No. 2342 located at NE section 36 township 28 range 2 w2 located north of Rhein between 1909-1921.
    The name changed to Cedric 2342 in the year 1921 according to Bill Barry Geographic Names of Saskatchewan

  • Doyle School district 944 was located at SW 7 township 28 range 32 W1 south of Kamsack between 1912-1963 according to Bill Barry Geographic Names of Saskatchewan.

  • New Canadian No. 264 was located at SE 27 township 27 range 1 W2 between 1911 and 1919. The school fist opened up under the Ukrainian name of Verenczanka No. 264, and then changed names to the New Canada according to Bill Barry Geographic Names of Saskatchewan. Both Verenczanka No. 264 and New Canadian No. 264 locations are given as Tsp 28 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian according to footnotes 65 and 107
  • Looking up Luzan Schol District No. 255, SE-35-28-1-W2, confirms the address you cite from your recollections of family who once attended this school.

    Hi Julia: You might like to know the exact address of Luzan School.

    I feel quite confidant about it because the descriptions were given by people from different branches of the family tree - not in contact with one another.

    You have the address already - SE-35-28-1-W2. In addition, it was situated right near the SE "corner" of Section 35 - where the corners of 4 sections meet.

    Regards, Karen RM

  • Bonnie Bank School District # 3951 SW Sec 33 Tsp 28 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian Kamsack
    Bonnie Bank School District # 3951 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian Kamsack

    Sources given for above Bonnie Bank SD 3951 locations respectively ....
    Title Geographic names of Saskatchewan
    Author Bill Barry
    Published Regina, Sask. : People Places Pub., c2005
    ISBN 1897010192 (pbk.)

    Listing compiled at the Provincial Saskatchewan Archives Regina Branch
See also these notes about why one schoolhouse may have more than one location listed...

The Saskatchewan One Room School District online listing the same way as doing genealogy...Sources are cited in geneaological research regarding the source the information from....So maybe in genealogy an ancestor has a census birth date of 1872, yet the baptism papers may say September 1873, and a registration form filed out for a war expedition may give the birth date at 1874...Same with the school locations....The source is cited for the SK One Room School House project for the information as of that date. These may or may not agree for a brief cause of reasons listed at notes.

Additional notes from Karen RM

Re: Mulock post office located at Sec.4, Twp.28, R.1, W2 (open between 1897-10-01 to 1918-04-30 Source: Library and Archives Canada; Philately and Postal History > Post Offices and Postmasters)

You may be interested in the family story I was given, which was: "Bill Ostapowich (who immigrated and homesteaded in 1900) relocated his family in the Mulock District, where he used his residence to provide a store for the surrounding community with the opportunity to purchase items and pick up their mail. After a few years, a hall was constructed near the Mulock Post Office and Store. The Mulock Hall served as a gathering place for dances and for putting on plays. In 1930, George and Nellie Bewcyk established a new location for the Mulock Post Office and Store. Since it was near a lake, both were named Playmore. The family farm was 2 miles south and 1/2 mile east of Playmore Store." (The farm location relative to the store might not be correct.)

The difficulty is in sorting out the first and second Mulock Post Office locations. There are two large-ish lakes in Township 28, Range 1, W2 - spaced about 1 and 1/2 miles apart. One is on Section 3, the other is on Section 14 (northeast).

Based on the family story (with the farm location relative to the Mulock Post Office of 1930), I could guess that the first Post Office was on Section 4-28-1-W2 (which is close to, but west of, the south end of the south lake), and the second was on Section 14 (close to the north lake). Which means the north lake would be Playmore Lake.

However, that would put the Post Office and Store much too close to another family homestead.

Instead, the Post Office and Store could have been moved from Section 4 to Section 3 (the south lake) - or nearby and still on Section 4 - and the south lake would be Playmore Lake.

(The family farm location would then be 2 miles east and 1/2 mile north of Playmore Store.)

Re: Cedric School

Your address of NE-36-28-2-W2 was the original homestead of a family member (by marriage) - a Fedoruk.
He sold it to one of his wife's brothers in 1917. The brother farmed it until 1924, then it was sold again.

At the address for Fedoruk-Cedric School (NE-36-28-2-W2) on the Cummins map, the name of the occupant is the name of the brother who bought the homestead in 1917 and sold it in 1924.

If the family history is correct about those dates, then that narrows the date range for the Cumins map.

Thank you for your interest in all this.
Karen RM

Webmaster Note:
There are at least three free online flistings to discover homestead locations by pioneer name. The Library and Archives Canada Dominion Land Grant listing for successful homesteaders who did prove up their homestead, The Saskatchewan Homestead Index Project (SHIP) for any resident filing an application with the provincial government land title offices, and the Glenbow Archives Canaidan Pacific Railway database. The online links to this sites can be found at Saskatchewan Gen Web Homestead Information along with additional information.

Playmore post office was located at NE 1/4 Sec.14, Twp.28, R.1, W2 - 1938-09-16 until 1963-09-16 according to the Library and Archives Canada; Philately and Postal History > Post Offices and Postmasters.

The map which shows this location is the Cummins Map No. 148

A brief insert from this map is below which shows the quarter section where the Playmore post office was located in pink.

For more schoolhouse information any school house documentation was forwarded by the Department of Education (Ministry of Education nowadays) to the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Regina branch...if you wish more information.

The map image shown above is an malgamation of these two maps:

Duck Mountain Sheet Left SK Large Tsp 25-32 Rge 27-33 West of the 1st Meridian

Yorkton Sheet Right Large Tsp 25-32 Rge 1-6 West of the 2nd Meridian

Added to this map are the above school districts marked in colour and the following placenames. I cannot make out the name north west (close to) Stornoway...It may be Emmendahl possibly.

The following placename locations are from the Post Office archives at the National Library and Archives Canada.

  • Gorlitz

  • NW Sec.25, Twp.28, R.4, W2
    Sec.36, Twp.28, R.4, W2

  • Ebenezer / Ebenezer Valley

    Ebenezer 1891-07-01 to 1911-09-01
    Ebenezer Valley 1911-09-01 to 1920-07-16
    Sec.7, Twp.27, R.4, W2 - 1891-07-01
    Sec.25, Twp.27, R.4, W2 - 1911-09-01

  • Dniester

    Sec.36, Twp.28, R.3, W2 - 1907-06-01

  • Wallace

    Sec.19, Twp.27, R.2, W2 - 1884-08-01 to 1913-12-30

  • Rhein/ Reihn

    Reihn 1905-02-01 to 1911-04-01
    Rhein 1911-04-01 to ?

    Sec.22, Twp.27, R.2, W2 - 1905-02-01
    Sec.23, Twp.27, R.2, W2

  • Mailand / Stornoway / Stornoway Station

    Mailand 1911-03-01 to 1911-11-01
    Stornoway Station 1911-11-01 to 1917-06-01
    Stornoway 1917-06-01 to c1988

    Sec.35, Twp.26, R.1, W2 - 1911-03-01
    -->This is the Stornoway marked on the school district map and
    not the Stornoway which follows as it is in section 35 and not
    section 4

  • Stornoway / Barvas

    Stornoway - 1903-06-01 to 1916-05-15
    Barvas 1916-05-15 to ?

    Sec.4, Twp.26, R.1, W2
    -->This is not the Stornoway marked on this particular map

  • Mulock

    Sec.4, Twp.28, R.1, W2 - 1897-10-01 to 1918-04-30

Tutorial: How to read Homestead Records- Section, Township, Range, Meridian

Brief Introduction to Legal Land Locations -Tsp and Rge: presented below:

The larger the TSP township number the further north.
West of the 3 meridian and the higher the RGE range number, the closer to the Alberta border
West of the 1st or prime meridian with the smaller the range number the closer to the Manitoba border
West of the 2nd meridian in the center of the province, the higher the range number, the further west.

For example these cities are located at:
Saskatoon Tsp 36 Rge 5 W of the 3rd Meridian
Regina Tsp 17 Rge 19 W of the 2nd Meridian

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