Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Loch Sloy School District 3589
South West section 36 Township 33 Range 9 west of the second meridian
near Invermay
North west section 1 township 33 range 9 west of the second meridian
1916-1963, N 51 52' 25.3'', W 103 09' 51.6''
in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada

Loch Sloy School District 3589, South West section 36 Township 33 Range 9 west of the second meridian, near Invermay North west section 1 township 33 range 9 west of the second meridian, 1916-1963, N 51 52' 25.3'', W 103 09' 51.6''

Loch Sloy School District 3589, South West section 36 Township 33 Range 9 west of the second meridian, near Invermay North west section 1 township 33 range 9 west of the second meridian, 1916-1963, N 51 52' 25.3'', W 103 09' 51.6''

Loch Sloy School District 3589, South West section 36 Township 33 Range 9 west of the second meridian, near Invermay North west section 1 township 33 range 9 west of the second meridian, 1916-1963, N 51 52' 25.3'', W 103 09' 51.6''

The original site of
Loch Sloy
School District 3589
SW 36-33-9-02
Sponsored by the Barteski Families

Loch Sloy School District 3589, South West section 36 Township 33 Range 9 west of the second meridian, near Invermay North west section 1 township 33 range 9 west of the second meridian, 1916-1963, N 51 52' 25.3'', W 103 09' 51.6'',

Gallery | More School Districts near Yorkton and the New Finland District submitted by Red Lauttamus

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1. From: Red Lauttamus
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Mason School District 2449
Date Sept 67, 2014

Loch Sloy School District 3589, South West section 36 Township 33 Range 9 west of the second meridian, near Invermay North west section 1 township 33 range 9 west of the second meridian, 1916-1963, N 51 52' 25.3'', W 103 09' 51.6'', , Loch Sloy School District 3589, South West section 36 Township 33 Range 9 west of the second meridian, near Invermay North west section 1 township 33 range 9 west of the second meridian, 1916-1963, N 51 52' 25.3'', W 103 09' 51.6'', , Loch Sloy School District 3589, South West section 36 Township 33 Range 9 west of the second meridian, near Invermay North west section 1 township 33 range 9 west of the second meridian, 1916-1963, N 51 52' 25.3'', W 103 09' 51.6'', , Saskatchewan Gen Web, historical one room schoolhouses, heritage education, one room school, school districts in Saskatchewan,