Little Pipestone School District #14 Wawota School District #14 Source. A Flight Through Time. Wawota and District History. Volume I. 1994. ISBN 1-55056-124-3.
Page 462, 496, 535. RM No. 93 - WAWKEN Little Pipestone School District #14 built on the north west quarter of section 24, township 11 range 1 west of the second meridian on March 2, 1885 served as the church for the Little Pipestone Creek settlement. This community located the first cemetery near this school. "Later land for a cemetery was donated by Matt Taylor and some of the graves were moved there (now known as the Meridian Cemetery)." Meridian cemetery was located on the NE section 24-11-1-W2. The Kelso Presbyterian Church was erected on the South east quarter of section 36 township 11 range 1, west of the second meridian in 1903. This location was one mile north of the cemetery. ( As an aside, in 1902, the Methodist church was raised on Section 11-33-W1. ) In 1909, the Kelso Presbyterian church was moved, and served in the hamlet of Kelso. (Kelso hamlet North east 32-11-33-W1)) By 1907, the rural school of Little Pipestone closed, and a new school was erected in the town of Wawota, and the name changed in 1915 to Wawota School District #14. (Wawota location SE 13-11-1-W2) In 1925, the name of Kelso Presbyterian Church changed to the United Church of Kelso, or Kelso United Church, and served until some time around 1971 or thereafter.