Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

LITTLE MOOSE School District # 4245

Sec Tsp 42 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian
Meskanaw, St. Brieux, Saskatchewan LITTLE MOOSE LAKE School District # 4245

Attached are pictures of Little Moose Lake School 1952-- notice the flag is at half mast account of the death of King George VI. The 2nd picture is of the teacher Alvin Kuechle and four of his students.

Lorne Wolfe

1924 Rand McNally Maps

Prince Albert South Sheet Centre School District Map

LEGEND: On both maps
The township: Tsp 42 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian is marked in green (NOT the school district)
Meskanaw name is marked in a blue oval
St. Brieux is marked in a red oval

LITTLE MOOSE LAKE School District # 4245

Sec Tsp 42 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian
From wikipedia: George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George; 14 December 1895 – 6 February 1952) was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from 11 December 1936 until his death.

Meskanaw : Its Story and its People

Meskanaw, Saskatchewan: Meskanaw
Celebrate Saskatchewan Historical Committee, 1980

Book: St. Brieux, 1904-1929, Silver jubilee : reminiscences of a pioneer

[Published in Cudworth, Sask. : Progress, 193-?].

Meskanaw Sec.12, Twp.44, R.22, W2 1908
St. Brieux Sec.24, Twp.42, R.21, W2 - 1905
Middle Lake Sec.14, Twp.41, R.23, W2 - 1909
Lake Ignace Sec.31, Twp.41, R.22, W2 - 1911
Verndale Sec.12, Twp.41, R.22, W2 - 1911
Crystal Springs Sec.4, Twp.44, R.24, W2 - 1909


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LITTLE MOOSE School District # 4245, Sec Tsp 42 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian, Meskanaw, St. Brieux, LITTLE MOOSE LAKE School District # 4245, LITTLE MOOSE School District # 4245, Sec Tsp 42 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian, Meskanaw, St. Brieux, LITTLE MOOSE LAKE School District # 4245, LITTLE MOOSE School District # 4245, Sec Tsp 42 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian, Meskanaw, St. Brieux, LITTLE MOOSE LAKE School District # 4245,Sk,CA, Canada, School, One Room School House, One Room Schoolhouse, Schoolhouse, School District,