Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

LILY PLAIN School District # 501
Sec Tsp 49 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian, near Butterby / Lily Plain,


There was a one room school house located on our farm land west of Prince Albert. The school was Lily Plain School (drawing by Mary Wilkinson attached). We moved off the farm before I attended. It's interesting to see the number "501" over the door in the drawing which matches the number given the school at SK One Room Schoolhouses "L" As of two or three years ago, the school still stands - barely.

Both my sisters went there and the school teacher, a single lady, lived at our house. She later married and her son lives in Regina. My sisters were one year apart, so when the oldest started school, the other wanted to go too. As the teacher lived with us she agreed. The next year we moved from the farm into Prince Albert and my second oldest sister, who was now five, was ready to go into grade two. My mother, of strong will and Scottish ancestry, convinced the school to let her continue as her marks from grade one were excellent.

George Bliss

If you go to Google Earth at and download it, you can type in "Lily Plain, Sk" and it will take you right to the area. My experience in the past has been that the coordinates given on google earth are not as precise as what I get from my handheld GPS. Saying that, when you're on google earth move the the little hand to 53 degrees 11 minutes 2.95 seconds north and 106 degrees 4 minutes 38.14 seconds west. That should put the little hand right on top of the school. Looking north from there, just across about 10 or 12 swaths in the field, the foundation of our barn can be seen. As I found google earth to be imprecise on gps coordinates I would certainly not change what you have on the page you sent me.


Hi Julia We corresponded before and I just got an email today from the daughter of the Mary Wilkinson who did the drawing I sent you of school house #501 at Lily Plain. She was doing some net surfing and found the photo and was surprised and pleased to see the picture and she said it made her Mom’s day. I told her I’m glad I didn’t put “Drawing by George Bliss”

I am attaching a photo I took in 2012 and 2 this year of the old school. Soon there will nothing there but maybe a cairn like so many I see around the country side. The bushes are encroaching more and more on the path to the school. You are welcome to use the photos as you see fit. I was the photographer.

Regards, George Bliss, Regina…

Further Information

Nearby Placenames

Unincorporated area of Lily Plain Location : 28-Twp 48-R 1-W3
Latitude - Longitude : 53º 10' N, 106º 5' W
Latitude - Longitude (decimal) : 53.1667104, -106.0838608

Bladworth locates at Sec. 6, Twp.28, R.1, W3
Clouston 13-Twp 47-R 27-W2
Crutwell Twp 49- R.1-W3
Davis 20-Twp 47- R 25-W2

David McLennan writes in "Our Towns Saskatchewan Communities from Abbey to Zenon Park that near the hamlet of Crutwell, located midway between Prince Albert and Shellbrook, that the railway arrived in 1910. A ferry service connected Lily Plain homesteaders with the Crutwell grain elevators.

According to wikipedia, in 1866, Prince Albert was established as a mission post, and a trail to Fort Carlton arose. This trail connected the growing community to the Carlton Trail, the main land transportation route in Western Canada of the 19th century. The trail followed along the current Lily Plain grid road in Saskatchewan to the ferry service at Lilly Plain post office.

The first Lily Plain post office was established at Sec.24, Twp.48, R.1, W3 and was open between March of 1895 to 1932 under postmasters Alfred Bennett for the year 1895, and James Mackie until 1932.

From the National Library and Archives Canada Post Masters information, Butterby post office opened in September of 1919 at Sec.34, Twp.48, R.1, W3 under post masters Michael Hall, Mrs. Isabel Turniff and George Mitchell. In 1946 the name changed to Lily Plain and the post office moved to NE Sec.21, Twp.48, R.1, W3 and NW 1/4 Sec.28, Twp.48, R.1, W3 before closing in 1969. George Mitchell served as post master until 1950 and then Mrs. Mary Elsie Wilkinson.

Bill Barry states that the first name was Butterby 1895 to 1932 at the location of SW 34 Twp. 48 R.1 W3, the later name adopted was LIly Plain in 1946, and the post office location was NW 28 Twp 48 R.1 W3

For more information:
Book: Echoes of our Heritage (Clouston, Lily Plain, Lindsay, St. Catherine’s, Meridian, Ridge, Mackintosh, Royal, Maiden Lake and Riverside)
Author Clouston History Book (Association)
Publisher Clouston History Book, 1985
ISBN 0889255237, 9780889255234

According to Trevor Herriot when the one room schoolhouses closed, the children of Lily Plain, Clouson and MacDowall attended West Central School at NW 16 Twp 47 R27 West of the 2nd Meridian near Clouston, Saskatchewan.

Robert (Bob) Henry Wilkinson was one of the school trustees active with the school board. Wilkinson helped maintain the Lily Plain Community Hall.

Miner's Creek water wheel at Lily Plain, Saskatchewan photo taken c1912

Map showing Lily Plain area north of Kirkpatrick, and west of Prince Albert (Twp. 48 R. 28 W3)

St. Luke's Anglican Church closed its doors in 1974, after operating in the Lily Plain area for 65 years. The church building didn't survive the storm which hit the region on Tuesday, August 26, 2008.

School District 501 map is an amalgamation of four maps.
Schoool maps portion used with permission

Township Range, meridian information


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E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: George Bliss
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster Subject:RE: Bliss Lake School District Lily Plain 501
Date November 26, 2012 And August 26, 2013