Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Leney School District 2555

Centre north east quarter section 30 township 35 range 11 west of the third meridian
Leney village
North East quarter section 30 township 35 range 11 west of the third meridian
Leney school in the village of Leney, near Perdue, Saskatchewan

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Leney School District 2555, Centre north east quarter section 30 township 35 range 11 west of the third meridian, Leney village, North East quarter section 30 township 35 range 11 west of the third meridian, Leney school in the village of Leney, near Perdue, Saskatchewan, - Saskatchewan Gen Web - Saskatchewan One room School Project

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Saskatchewan Provincial Archives, Regina, Saskatchewan. Collection Call Number: R177.10/7. File Number: 2555. Description of Item: School District Files. "LENEY School District 2555". Digitised and Published online by Julia Adamson. Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project. Saskatchewan Gen web. Published Web. Date Accessed .

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Leney School District 2555, Centre north east quarter section 30 township 35 range 11 west of the third meridian, Leney village, North East quarter section 30 township 35 range 11 west of the third meridian, Leney school in the village of Leney, near Perdue, Saskatchewan, Leney School District 349, South East quarter Section 33 Township 23 range 10 west of the third meridian, near Lucky Lake, 1911, Lucky Lake Village South West quarter of section 25 township 23 range 9 west of the third meridian, Lucky Lake is near Outlook, Saskatchewan, Leney School District 349, South East quarter Section 33 Township 23 range 10 west of the third meridian, near Lucky Lake, 1911, Lucky Lake Village South West quarter of section 25 township 23 range 9 west of the third meridian, Lucky Lake is near Outlook, Saskatchewan, Leney School District 349, South East quarter Section 33 Township 23 range 10 west of the third meridian, near Lucky Lake, 1911, Lucky Lake Village South West quarter of section 25 township 23 range 9 west of the third meridian, Lucky Lake is near Outlook, Saskatchewan,