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Leicester School District 2491
South West quarter of section 29 revious.gif" height="30" width="30" border="0" alt="Previous">
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History of Cadillac and Surrounding District, The Good Old Days, Prepared by Alta Legros and Marlene Davidson for Homecoming '71, Elmwood, Fairy Lake, Boule Creek, Priory, Wheatville, Crichton, Bedford, Orwell, Highway, Gouverneur, McKnight, Pinto Head, Driscol Lake, Frenchville, Lac Pelletier, Notre Dame, Cadillac,  Saskatchewan, Canada

Leicester School District 2491 scans / photographs taken by Christa Kaytor
From the 1917 Scarborough Map Section, it can be ascertained that Cadillac was south west of Cananea situated on the rail line, to the east of Cadillac was Gouverneur, then Ponteix, Aneroid, Haznemore, with Kincaid to the south east of this school district.

Nearby Placename Locations:
CananeaSection 19 Tsp 9 Rge 9 West of the Third Meridian
CadillacNorth West quarter Section 8 Tsp 9 Rge 13 West of the Third Meridian
GouverneurSouth West quarter Section 10 Tsp 9 Rge 12 West of the Third Meridian
PonteixSouth West quarter Section 19 Tsp 9 Rge 11 West of the Third Meridian
AneroidSouth East quarter Section 9 Tsp 9 Rge 10 West of the Third Meridian
HazenmoreSouth East quarter Section 34 Tsp 8 Rge 9 West of the Third Meridian
KincaidNorth East quarter Section 22 Tsp 8 Rge 8 West of the Third Meridian
Notre Dame d'Auvergne Section 30 Tsp 9 Rge 11 West of the Third Meridian
Swift Current Section 25 Tsp 15 Rge 14 West of the Third Meridian
ArbuthnotNorth West quarter Section 9 Tsp 10 Rge 7 West of the Third Meridian
Ville BouvierSouth East quarter Section 2 Tsp 10 Rge 7 West of the Third Meridian
WestlakeSouth East quarter Section 18 Tsp 10 Rge 6 West of the Third Meridian

One Room Schoolhouse Map
School Map used with permission

Historical township, range, meridian maps

Cadillac Village School

Highway School District 4623

| History of Cadillac and District.

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1. From: Christa Kaytor
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Leicester SD # 2491

This book is online with permission of Christa Kaytor, descendant of Marie Bickner, and Alta Stephenson Legros. It is the intention of this site to make historical information regarding Cadillac and area available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this map service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan historical data from this web page. Any further use of this book would require permission from the book authors as per copyright laws in Canada.
Leicester School District 2491, South West quarter of section 29 township 9 Range 9 West of the third meridian, 1900-1945, Marie Bickner, Alta Stephenson Legros, Near Cananea, Notre DAme d'Auvergne, Notre DAme, Ponteix, Swift Current, Aneroid, Cadillac, Gouverneur, Hazenmore, Kincaid, Ville Bouvier, Saskatchewan, Canada, Leicester School District 2491, South West quarter of section 29 township 9 Range 9 West of the third meridian, 1900-1945, Marie Bickner, Alta Stephenson Legros, Near Cananea, Notre DAme d'Auvergne, Notre DAme, Ponteix, Swift Current, Aneroid, Cadillac, Gouverneur, Hazenmore, Kincaid, Ville Bouvier, Saskatchewan, Canada, Leicester School District 2491, South West quarter of section 29 township 9 Range 9 West of the third meridian, 1900-1945, Marie Bickner, Alta Stephenson Legros, Near Cananea, Notre DAme d'Auvergne, Notre DAme, Ponteix, Swift Current, Aneroid, Cadillac, Gouverneur, Hazenmore, Kincaid, Ville Bouvier, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,