Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Insinger School District 4164
Decimal 51.52267 -103.07977
DDD MM.MMM N 51° 31.360 W 103° 04.786
DDD MM SS.SSS, N 51° 31' 21.612" W 103° 4' 47.172"
Insinger, Saskatchewan

006_1-b 007_1-b 008_1-b 010_1
011_1 012_1 013_1 Insinger
Rural Municipality of Insinger 275, Saskatchewan, Canada    

Submitter, photographs © These Insinger school district 4164 pictures were taken by Red Lauttamus

The hamlet of Insinger is located at section 21 - township 29- range 8-West of the 2nd Meridian
Latitude - Longitude : 51º 32' N, 103º 5' W
Latitude - Longitude (decimal) : 51.5333300, -103.08382213

Insinger School
No 4164

In 1918, a Presbyterian
Church near the Village
of Insinger served as a
one-room, all-grades
classroom until 1921
in 1921, a one classroom
school was erected.
In 1929, a new school with
two classrooms was built
on this site. This school
was closed in 1967.
placed here by
Insinger School Reunion
Committee in 1998.

Insinger and District School Reunion
July 17-19, 1998

The Insinger School District 494 came to being with the formation of the school board in January of 1899. This log school house was erected at NW section 6 township 29 range 7 west of the 2nd meridian for school in the summer of 1900. The Insinger log school was replaced with a new school and teacherage just north of the original location. The town of Insinger requested the name of Insinger for the school building in the town site. The Department of Education provides the name Insinger School District 4194 to the "in town" school house in the fall of 1921. The rural school house Insinger School District 494 is now known as Lysenko School District 494. Lysenko School Distict 494 moves their school building to NE section 31 township 28 range 7 west of the 2nd meridian, a more centrally located rural location. Adapted from Mike Woroniuk's school article in the 1987 Theodore History Book

Lysenko School District 494

School District Map segment used with permissions

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1. From: Red Lauttamus
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Insinger SD 4164 one room schoolhouse, Saskatchewan
Date October 18, 2012