Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Hopedale School District 346

near Bearfield, Ednaburg,
Coleville ; SE 6-32-23 W3
Rural Municipality Oakdale 320

Saskatchewan, Canada


Hopedale School  District 346, Bearfield, Coleville, Ednaburg, , Rural Municipality Oakdale 320, Hopedale School 3465.jpg

Click on image for larger size.
Submitter of the images Eric Larrson

For more information on Hopedale School District 346

Title Oxen to oil Published 1982 ; North Battleford, Sask. ; McIntosh Pub. Co.

Hopedale School District 636 located at T39 R 24 W 4 was situated in the North West Territories, and after Alberta and Saskatchewan became provinces, this location was in the province of Alberta.
Department of Education Re-assigns Number
In the North West Territories the 1884 Territorial Ordinance #5 allowed for the formation of school districts. School Districts were given numbers in the order by which the areas applied for. This sorting by School District Number then gives an idea of the NWT earlysettlement patterns, and school house formation by year. When Saskatchewan and Alberta became provinces in 1905, numbers previously in use in Alberta were canceled and re-applied to School Districts of Saskatchewan.
When the two provinces were formed Alberta continued numerically incrementing from the last school District Number which was at that time BowValley S. D. 1409. The next one of Alberta therefore numbered was 1410. Saskatchewan then re-used any numbers which were now not being used and therefore some School Districts may have two names attached to them...the early use of the number in Alberta, and later use in Saskatchewan.

Nearby Placenames

Beaufield 18-32-22-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place
Coleville 6-32-23-W3 is a nearby Village
Driver 20-31-24-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place
Oakdale No. 320 is a nearby Rural Municipality
School maps used with permission

School District map courtesy Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan Regina office
Numerical School District Listing

School Inspectorate Map. Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan. Map collection B 8/2. Commissioner of Education Boundaries. 1917.

Gallery | Other submissions by Eric Larrson near Macklin, SK

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1. From: Eric Larrson

To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Webmaster
Date May 5, 2017