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HELLER school district 3634 |
Hello, here is a photo taken August 7, 2015, of Heller School District No. 3634, the sign above the door says 1917.
Cody Kapcsos
Nearby placenames to HELLER School District # 3634 in south western Saskatchewan:
Neuheim was located at NW section 10 township 10 range 30 West of the third meridian in 1908 and is at this location on the 1912 school district map. Another location is recorded as SE section 22 township 10 range 30 west of the third meridian It is interesting to note that though the post office was recorded as Neuheim, the local historic one room school house was named NEWHEIM School District 3211 (to the north of HELLER school district 3634). Maple Creek is a nearby town at section 15 township 11 range 26 west of the third meridian Cypress had three postal office locations section 32 township 8 range 27 west of the third meridian in 1904 section 5 township 9 range 27 west of the third meridian in 1914 and section 11 township 9 range 27 west of the third meridian Clearsite was located at the south east quarter of section 2 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian and another poast master and their post office location of North East Section 5, Township 10, Range .28, West of the 3rd meridian. Carnagh had two locations during its operational time as a postal outlet in 1913 it was located at section 12 township 10 range 23 west of the third meridian, and later circa 1929 it was on the wouth east quarter of section 32 township 9 range 22 west of the third meridian. Graburn opened in 1895 before Saskatchewan became a province in 1905, it was therefore part of the Provisional District of Assiniboia, North-West Territories (The hyphen was removed in 1906 from the NWT). The western boundary of Assiniobia was not the 4th meridian as was adopted by the province of Saskatchewan. The first location of Graburn therefore had a being section 14 township 9 range 1 west of the fourth meridian was in Assiniboia, NWT, but technically this would not have been the forth coming location of the province of Saskatchewan. The later postal location for Graburn placed it within the boundaries of the province of Saskatchewan as shown on the 1912 school district map - the location being the south east quarter of section 22 township 9 range 30 west of the third meridian. 1912 also happened to be the year the post office of Graburn closed.
As postal mail was handled by early homesteaders, it was quite common for a postal outlet to have numerous legal land description complete addresses which would correspond to the residence in the locality of the newly appointed postmaster. When one postmaster resigned, another nearby location was sought for the area mail delivery.77
Other Nearby PlacenamesFort Walsh a locality at 21-7-29-W3 Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 49° 34' 0" N, 109° 53' 3" W
Maple Creek is a nearby town at 15-11-26-W3
Other nearby placenames
Altawan 23-3-30-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Battle Creek 33-5-29-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Clearsite 35-9-29-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Cypress Hills Park 20-8-26-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Elkwater 24-8-3-W4 is a nearby Unincorporated area Fort Walsh 21-7-29-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Fox 20-7-1-W4 is a nearby Unincorporated area Govenlock 23-3-29-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Jaydot 33-3-1-W4 is a nearby Unincorporated area Maple Creek No. 111 is a nearby Rural Municipality Merryflat 14-6-29-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Notukeu 4-4-27-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Oxarat 33-5-27-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Reno No. 51 is a nearby Rural Municipality Robinson 34-9-3-W4 is a nearby Unincorporated area Senate 3-4-28-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area Thelma 20-7-2-W4 is a nearby Unincorporated area West Plains 22-5-28-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated area 84
Schools noted on the above map- Smithfield School District Number 3685
- Gowan Lea School District Number 664
- Box Elder School District Number 2975
- Müller School District Number 2362
- ArbanaSchool District Number 683
- McKay Creek School District Number 3180
- Neuheim (Newheim)School District Number 3211
For more information:Book Title Our pioneers Imprint [Maple Creek, Sask.] : South Western Sask. Oldtimers' Association, [1979?] Added Author Pollock, Gwen.
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1. Heller School District No. 3634, 1917
August 12, 2015
From:Cody KapcsosTo:saskgenweb@yahoo.com
HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, 1917, South west quarter of section 3 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian, near Neuheim, Maple Creek and Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan,,HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, 1917, South west quarter of section 3 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian, near Neuheim, Maple Creek and Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan,,HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, 1917, South west quarter of section 3 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian, near Neuheim, Maple Creek and Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan,,HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, 1917, South west quarter of section 3 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian, near Neuheim, Maple Creek and Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan,,HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, 1917, South west quarter of section 3 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian, near Neuheim, Maple Creek and Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project,