Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Glyndwr School District Number 991

North east quarter section 10 township 22 range 2 west of the second meridian
near Bangor, Atwater, and Esterhazy
Province of Saskatchewan
1911 School photo

Glyndwr School District Number 991, North east quarter section 10 township 22 range 2 west of the second meridian, 1904-1967, near Bangor, Atwater, and Esterhazy, Bangor North section 15 township 21 range 3 west of the 2nd meridian, Atwater North west quarter section 4 township 21 range 2 west of the second meridian, Eva Neiley, Eva (Neiley) Cooper,    CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan
Larger school photo

Glyndwr School District Number 991, North east quarter section 10 township 22 range 2 west of the second meridian, 1904-1967, near Bangor, Atwater, and Esterhazy, Bangor North section 15 township 21 range 3 west of the 2nd meridian, Atwater North west quarter section 4 township 21 range 2 west of the second meridian, Eva Neiley, Eva (Neiley) Cooper,    CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan

The blue lines in the above map denote school district boundaries as of 1911, and the red lines are the boundaries of the Rural Municipalities.

Submitter, photographs © Brian D. Gushulak
School Photos courtesy of The collection of Eva Von Agnes Cooper.
Maps are courtesy of the Online Historical Map Digitization Project and the Archives of Saskatchewan.

Glyndwr School District Number 991

North east quarter section 10 township 22 range 2 west of the second meridian
near Bangor, Atwater, and Esterhazy
Province of Saskatchewan
1911 School photo

Marilynn Cooper and and her husband, Brian D. Gushulak , inherited the photos of her grandmother, Eva (Neiley) Cooper.

"Eva (Neiley) Cooper completed Normal School in Regina in 1910 and taught at a couple of one room schools in Saskatchewan for two years before moving to Vancouver to attend nursing college." This is one of her photos.... "of her students at Glyndwr School from June 1911."

Eva Neiley was born in Kings County Nova Scotia in 1891. Her mother died three years later and her father remarried. He left Nova Scotia in 1906 and homesteaded near Saltcoats. Following graduation from Yorkton High School Eva attended Normal School in Regina in 1910 and then taught for approximately two years ( Glyndwr and Clova). Her father passed in 1912 after which she went on to fulfill a dream to become a nurse. Graduating from Vancouver General Hospital’s nursing college in 1915 she returned to Unity, Saskatchewan where she was matron of the small hospital until she married a local farmer, Samuel Ward Cooper. Eva died in 1977.

Regarding this photo, it" was a school near Atwater (close to Esterhazy) that opened in 1905. Glyndwr is a Welsh word and many of the early residents were Welsh." There are no names available for any of the people in the picture, however, if anyone has any ideas, please do e-mail and then the names could be added to the web page.

Brian D. Gushulak

Nearby Placenames and their legal land descriptions:

Atwater Section 4- Township 21-Range 2-West of the 2nd meridian Latitude, Longitude 50.7758139, -102.2269111 is a nearby Village
Bangor 15-21-3-W2 is a nearby Village
Bird Point is a nearby Village
Bird's Point 22,27,28,29-18-3-W2 is a nearby Village
Bredenbury 35-22-1-W2 is a nearby Town
Cana 9-22-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Cana No. 214 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Churchbridge 17-22-32-W is a nearby Town
Cotham 12-19-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Crescent Lake 15,22-23-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Cutarm 34-19-32-W is a nearby Unincorporated area
Dubuc 3-20-4-W2 is a nearby Village
Espeseth Cove NE 1/4 30-18-3-W2 is a nearby Hamlet
Esterhazy 28-19-1-W2 is a nearby Town
Fertile Belt No. 183 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Gerald 25-19-32-W is a nearby Village
Grayson 16-20-5-W2 is a nearby Village
Grayson No. 184 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Grove Park 22-18-1-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Hazel Cliffe 27-18-33-W is a nearby Unincorporated area
Saltcoats 1-24-2-W2 is a nearby Town
Saltcoats No. 213 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Stockholm 25-19-3-W2 is a nearby Village
Waldron 33-21-4-W2 is a nearby Village
West End 30-18-3-W2 is a nearby Village
Yarbo 1-20-23-W is a nearby Village
Zeneta 22-20-1-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area 63

For more information:

The history of Atwater, Saskatchewan : and the surrounding districts, Barra, Coma Park, Fertile Belt, Glyndwr
[Atwater, Sask.]: Prepared by the Atwater Historical Society, 1980

In 1904, the first community school meeting was held, and it was in 1905, that the school opened for classes under Archie McDonald.

Other submissions from Brian D. Gushulak regarding The collection of Eva Von Agnes Cooper. | Gallery

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From: Brian D. Gushulak
Subject: 1911 Glyndwr School Photo