Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Glidden Consolidated School District 2726
Kincora Consolidated School 2726

Glidden, Saskatchewan
51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west
section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian84
intersection of highway 21, highway 44 & highway 649.
Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260

Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260

Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260

Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260

Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260

Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260

Glidden Post office located at Sec.14, Twp.26, R.24, W3, former name Holbeck77

Nearby Placenames:

Holbeck (Former name for Glidden)
Snipe Lake Eston

The first school in the Glidden area opened May 1912, however the petition was sent in Sept of 1910. The school was built in 1911, and Mr. Alexander was the first teacher in the summer school located at the southwest quarter of section 4 township 27 range 23. The village was located one miles east and two miles south of this Kincora school yard. By 1919, the schoool from Kincora was moved into the village of Glidden to be used as both school and church. The Kincora Consolidated School changed name in 1927 to the Glidden Consolidated School #2726. A new larger building was needed to serve Glidden and surrounding area, and additions were needed through to 1929,

Bostonia school 2330 (Bostonia Settlement) located on the north west quarter section 11 township 27 range 22 west of the third meridian in the R.M. of Newcombe No. 260 was one of the neighboruing school districts of Glidden.

Wild Rose SD sent in their peition in 1911. The school went up in 1912 on the NW quarter of section 13, township 27 range 23 between School districts 2330 and 2726. The same year, 1912, classes commenced at Wild Rose Valley SD 831.

Goldeye SD 3217 sent in their petition 1913, and the following year erected their schoolhouse on the northeast quarter of section 22 township 24 range 23 west of the third meridian. Classes started in 1915.

Quinney school district 2886 sent in their petition in 1912, and the school house was erected on the southwest quarter of 33 township 25 range 24.

Tuscola SD 4096 was both petitioned and constructed in 1918 on the northeast quarter of section 11 township 25 range 23 west of the third meridian, and the school opened in 1919.

TeePee SD 4221 was petitioned and erected in 1919 on township 25 range 24 west of the third meridian. The school district embraced townships 24 and 25, ranges 23 and 24, and classes commenced in 1920.

Dunn school district 4791 was one of the latter schoolhouses, petitioned in 1929, and built the same year. Classes opened in 1934.

Glidden : our district / compiled and written by N.E. Ament
Note To commemorate Glidden's 50th Anniversary, 1917-1967, and Canada's Centennial, 1867-1967.
circa 1967, Print Shop Kindersley, SK

People places : Saskatchewan and its names / by Bill Barry
Regina, Sask. : Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, 1997.
0889771146 (pbk.) 9780889771147

Other Neighbouring School Districts from the map:
Stony Vista SD 3000 NE 10 township 27 range 24 west of the third meridian
Holbeck SD 3830
Amdewands SD 630 Northeast quarter of section 11 township 27 range 21 west of the third meridian
Madison SD 3987 township 26 range 22 west of the third meridian
Noremac SD 183 township 25,26 range 22 west of third meridian
Snipe Lake SD 1096 townhip 26 range 21 west of the third meridian.

Waghorn's Railway Map 1941 | School Maps ~ shows neighboring school districts by school district #. Used with permission.
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Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260, intersection of highway 21, highway 44 & highway 649, Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260, intersection of highway 21, highway 44 & highway 649, Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260, intersection of highway 21, highway 44 & highway 649,