Photograph copyright submitted by Heather Davis
Image above
Note: The school where my aunt, Jean Heather (her surname was Heather), taught from 1928 to 1932. A cousin Art Reid from Crystal Springs attended there too. Daisy Reid (Ellison) taught at the old Invergordon school as well at some point after my aunt Jean left. She later became Art Reid's sister-in-law.
I have found the original with my aunt's handwriting stating it was the Invergordan school where she taught from 1928 to 1932.
My great- grandfather John Richard Reid was 56 years old with 9 children who homesteaded there in 1906. ~Heather Davis
In the book, DIXON LAKE SCHOOL CYRSTAL SPRINGS, SK, WAITVILLE, INVERGORDON, DIXON LAKE, NORTHERN LIGHT, TROMBLEY, KAMINKA, a quote says "Art Reid remembers being moved from the Invergordon School to the new Dixon Lake school IN January of 1933, finishing his grade 7 there and graduating from grade 8 in June of 1934. He and others were then moved to the United Church basement for the next 3 years whee he finished his grade 9, 10, 11 ending in June of 1937. He believes the second room of the school was added on at this time. Grades 1 through 12 were taught in these two rooms. Grades 1 through 7 in one room and grades 8 through 12 in the other. Quite a large load for the teachers at that time! Ike Gillam moved with them."
According to the 1955 Golden Jubilee booklet compiled by the students of Invergordon School, the school building was erected on a three acre school yard in 1913. Miss Ida Pushie was the first teacher presiding over a class room of Frances, William and Harold Reid, Charlie Smith, Roy Weatherbee, and Martha Holmes. John Wainwright joined the class later in the year. In the first two sessions, the school remained open only six months.
The red lines on the map demark the boundaries between rural municipalities
More information Title Pioneers and progress : Kipling and district, 1882-1998 Published Kipling, SK : Kipling & District History Book Committee, c1998 ISBN 1550563394
| BEKEVAR | | | | 1904 | | | | 1905 | | | |
| BENDER | 4724 | 1927 | | | 1928 | | | 1958 | | Myss Myrtle Shoemaker | RM Kingsley |
| BUFFALO | 1639 | 1906 | | | | | | 1960 | | | Joined Buffalo Plains School Unit 1946 |
| CORONATION | 2882 | | | 1913 | April 1, 1914 | SE 19-14-6 | | 1957 | | Miss Carrie Collins | 1946 part of Broadview School Unit; 1978 cairn erected |
| CROCUS | 4321 | 27-Apr-20 | | | Fall 1921 | NW 5 13 6 | | | | Marcella Schmitz | |
| CRYSTAL SPRINGS | 984 | | | 1905 | | NE SE 14 13 5 | | | | Robert McLean | 1932 Fire. Pupils conveyed to Kipling, Bender or Golden Ridge. CRSYTAL SPRINGS joined Broadview school unit 1954 |
| DALZELL | 104 | | | 1911 | | SW NW 26 13 6 | | 1950 | | | |
| DIXON LAKE | 4974 | | | | | NW 24-44-24 | W2 | 1991 | . | | Located in Crystal Springs |
| EDENLAND (A) | 980 | | | 1905 | | SE 10 14 4 | | | | | 1919 split into 2 school districts. The school house was moved to HOLLINGTON SD at NW 14 14 5 and a new school erected on SW 2 14 5 which kept the name EDENLAND. This new school opened 1920 closed 1958 |
| EDENLAND (B) | 980 | | | 1920 | | SW 2 14 5 | | 1958 | | | one mile south of first location |
| FLINTON | 4015 | | | | August 1918 | NW 31 10 6 | | 1961 | | Miss J.H. McKechnie | Closed in 1947 and re-opened in 1957. On closure in 1961 pupils conveyed to Handsworth and Stoughton. |
| FOREST EDGE | 4803 | 1929 | | | 1930 | NE 33 10 5 | | 1960's | | Miss A. Pollard | In 1946 joined the Broadview School Unit. The school buildings were sold, the school house became a home. |
| GOLDEN RIDGE | 656 | 1901 | | | June 1, 1902 | NE 21 13 4 | | 1961 | | Miss Symes | 1927 new building needed. Still standing when local history book written. |
| GOLDEN SPRINGS | 967 | 1903 | | | 1904 | NE 36 13 4 | | 1959-1960 school year | | | |
| GRAINVIEW | 2267 | | | 1920 | | SW NW 1 14 5 | | 1948 | | | Fire in 1927, replaced 1929 new building. Joined Broadview School Unit 1946. Pupils conveyed to Neelby, and Dalzell when school closed in 1948 |
| HAZEL VALLEY | 3647 | 1915 | | | 1917 | SE 29 11 5 | | | | | |
| HAZELBANK (A) | 1054 | | | | | SE 2 11 6 | | | | | First used a farm building |
| HAZELBANK (B) | 1054 | | | | 1914 | NE 34 10 6 | | | | | This school building was taken by fire 1943 |
| HAZELBANK (C) | 1054 | | | | | SE 2 11 6 | | | | | Log house used for classes |
| HAZELBANK (D) | 1054 | | | | | SE 34 10 6 | | 1961 | | | When the school closed, students went into Kisbey, Handsworth, Stoughton |
| HEBDEN | 4464 | | | 1922 | | SE 8 13 5 | | 1956 | | | School building relocated to Langbank |
| HIGHLAND (A) | 437 | 1896 | | | July 15, 1897 | NW 2 15 5 | | | | Lottie Cameron | Closed for the interim over 1911-1915. Noted that the prominent SK pioneer John Archer attended school here |
| HIGHLAND (B | 437 | | | | 1936 | SE 3 15 5 | | 1959 | | | |
| HILLESDEN | 77 | | | 1947 | | NW 16 15 6 | | 1965 | | | Previous name WEED HILL PROTESTANT SCHOOL, no date given for the name change. |
| HOLLINGTON | 4288 | 1919 | | | August 1920 | 14 14 5 | | 1958 | | | Used the EDENLAND school building. In 1946 joined Broadview School Unit. |
| INVERGORDON | 1913 | 1912 | | | 1914 | NW 29 44 23 | W2 | 1949 * Note | | Ida Smith (Pushie) | | Note regarding the closing date. In an email from Kathy Stanczak, she states, " I have been doing some geneology research regarding my mother, Bernice Konias, who taught at two one room school houses in Sask.
One is the Invergordon School House near Crystal Springs SK. I noticed on your site [here] that it says the school closed in 1949, but I have a T4 slip of my mother's dated 1950 and a gift to my mother dated from the class of 1950-1951.
In Sept 1951 my mother was relocated to Candle Lake School. She only taught here for one year. |
| KAMINKA | 1632 | 1906 | | | | | | 1969 | | | |
| KINGSLEY | 3916 | 1912 | | | May 1918 | | | 1959 | | Dolly Petchel | Located in Pipestone Valley |
| KIPLING | 2500 | | | 1921 | | | | | | | |
| KOSSUTH (A) | 948 | | | 1905 | | | | | | | |
| KOSSUTH (B) | 948 | | | 1952 | | NE 22 12 5 | | 1954 | | | |
| LANDSDOWNE (A) | 56 | 1886 | | | | SW 22 14 4 | | | | | |
| LANDSDOWNE (B) | 56 | | | | | NE 16 14 4 | | | | | |
| LANDSDOWNE (C) | 56 | | | | | NE 9 14 4 | | 1959 | | | |
| LITTLE MOUNTAIN | 3648 | | | | | NW 13 12 6 | | June 1954 | | | |
| MAGYAR | 1384 | 1905 | | | April 17, 1906 | NW NW 36 12 6 | | 1952 | | Mr. D.R. McLean | |
| NEELBY | 1197 | 1905 | | | | SE 23 14 6 | | 1960 | | | |
| NORTH INVERGORDON | 3054 | | | | | NE 29 44 23 | W2 | 1959 | | Miss Konias | |
| NORTHERN LIGHT SCHOOL | | May-06 | | | July 27, 1908 | | | 1965 | | Marie Grambo | |
| PARAMOUNT | 4808 | 1929 | | | | | | | | | |
| PARAMOUNT | 4808 | 1947 | | | | SE 29 11 6 | | 1960 | | | |
| PIPESTONE | 1508 | 1916 | | | | NW 34 14 4 | | 1960 | | | |
| RAKOCZI | 2667 | 1910 | | | | SE 29 12 4 | | 1954 | | | |
| RUDYARD | 2500 | Dec-09 | | | January 1910 | NW 12-13-5 | W2 | 1921 | | Mrs. Frank Apperly | |
| SAFFORDEA | 1620 | 1906 | | | January 1907 | SE 23 11 5 | | June 1964 | | | |
| SOUTH INVERGORDON | 3054 | | | | 1937-1938 | NW 22 44 23 | W2 | 1959 | | | |
| TROMBLEY (A) | 1811 | | | | | SE 20 44 24 | W2 | 1937 | | Miss Florence Elliott | |
| TROMBLEY (B) | 1811 | | | | 1937 | NE 20 44 24 | W2 | 1950-1951 | | | |
| WAITVILLE | | | | | | 15-45-24 | W2 | 1958 | | | |
| WEED HILL PROTESTANT SCHOOL | 77 | 1886 | | | | 22 15 6 | | 1947 | | | Later name was HILLESDEN SD 77 |
| Note. The letters (A) or (B) etc refer to different place locations for the school, did not appear in the school title at all. | LOCATION column numbers refer to the legal land location, section, township, range (all are west of the second meridian). For more information on Legal Land Locations | ORG means organised - the date that the Department of Education (now the Ministry of Education) legally formalized the school district as an entity. DISORG means disorganized - when the school district dissolved, after classes ended (school closed), and following the sale, re-purposing or demolition of the school buildings and properties. |
Nearby Placenames:
Name | Location | Feature type | Balone Beach | 31,5-42,43-25-W2 | Hamlet | Birch Hills | 21-46-24-W2 | Town | Birch Hills No. 460 | | Rural Municipality | Bonne Madone | 36-42-25-W2 | Unincorporated area | Brancepeth | 34-46-23-W2 | Hamlet | Crescent Hill | 12-45A-22-W2 | Unincorporated area | Crystal Springs | 24-44-24-W2 | Hamlet | Cudsaskwa Beach | 46-26-W2 | Hamlet | Domremy | 17-44-26-W2 | Hamlet | Domremy Beach | 16-43-25 | Unincorporated area | Ens | 16-43-26-W2 | Unincorporated area | Ethelton | 14-44-21-W2 | Unincorporated area | Fenton | 32-46-25-W2 | Unincorporated area | Fisher | 2,3-47A-24-W2 | Unincorporated area | Hagen | 3-46A-25-W2 | Hamlet | Hoey | 12-45A-27-W2 | Hamlet | Hoodoo | 20-41-25-W2 | Unincorporated area | Invergordon | 30-44-23-W2 | Unincorporated area | Invergordon No. 430 | | Rural Municipality | Kinistino | 45-21-W2 | Town | Kyle | 19-47-22-W2 | Unincorporated area | Lake Ignace | 1-42-23-W2 | Unincorporated area | Lake Park | 9-47-23-W2 | Unincorporated area | Lepine | 19-42-25-W2 | Unincorporated area | Meskanaw | 11-44-22-W2 | Hamlet | Nelson Beach | 29-42-26-2 | Unincorporated area | New England | 13,14-47A-24-W2 | Unincorporated area | Northern Light | 22-44-25-W2 | Unincorporated area | Northway | 21-46A-25-W2 | Unincorporated area | Reynaud | 19-42-24-W2 | Hamlet | Senator | 16-46-25-W2 | Unincorporated area | Spring Grove | 44-25-W2 | Unincorporated area | St. Benedict | 33-41-24-W2 | Village | Tarnopol | 11-43-24-W2 | Unincorporated area | Tiger Hills | 31-45-24-W2 | Unincorporated area | Tway | 29-43-24-W2 | Hamlet | Waitville | 15-45-24-W2 | Unincorporated area | Wakaw | 30-42-26-W2 | Town | Wakaw Lake | 26,27-42-26-W2 | Village | Weldon | 33-46-22-W2 | Village | Yellow Creek | 34-43-23-W2 | Unincorporated area | 77