Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Chatsworth School District 1810
near Saltcoats, Saskatchewan
Location 51 03'4'' N 102 00' 22''W
Southeast section 25 township 24 range 1 west of the second meridian

Chatsworth School District 1810, near Saltcoats, 1907-1966, 51 03'4'' N 102 00' 22''W, Southeast section 25 township 24 range 1 west of the second meridian

School District photos by Red Lauttamus copyright

Chatsworth School District 1810, near Saltcoats, 1907-1966, 51 03'4'' N 102 00' 22''W, Southeast section 25 township 24 range 1 west of the second meridian map

School District Map showing the westerly portion of the Chatsworth SD 1810 area

Chatsworth School District 1810, near Saltcoats, 1907-1966, 51 03'4'' N 102 00' 22''W, Southeast section 25 township 24 range 1 west of the second meridian map

School District Map showing the easterly portion of the Chatsworth SD 1810 area

For more information:
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project: Chatsworth SD 1810, Hohenlohe SD 2705, MacNutt SD 793, Zorn SD 3697, Landstrew SD 2698, Dressler SD 3732, Churchbridge SD 124, Rothbury SD 204, Goehring SD 910, Kensington Lake SD 1083, Flower Valley SD 1098

One Room Schoolhouse Naming

Chatsworth School District 1810


Barbour 23 kilometers 14 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Barvas 17 kilometers 10 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Beresina 17 kilometers 11 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Bredenbury at section 35-township 22-range 1-West of the 2nd meridianLatitude - Longitude : 50º 56' 29'' N, 102º 2' 39'' Wor 50.9412527, -102.0440444 is 14 kilometers 9 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Calder 21 kilometers 13 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Churchbridge 20 kilometers 13 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Churchbridge rural municipality No. 211 19 kilometers 12 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Clonmel 18 kilometers 11 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Saltcoats at section 1- township 24-range 2-West of the 2nd meridianLatitude - Longitude : 51º 2' 26'' N, 102º 10' 1'' WLatitude - Longitude (decimal) : 51.0406472, -102.1669233 12 kilometers 7 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Tonkin 25 kilometers 16 miles from Chatsworth School District 1810

Wroxton 21 kilometers 13 miles from Chatsworth School District 181084

Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
School Maps segment used with permission

Saskatchewan Historical Railway Maps

Township Range, meridian information


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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
Red's Saskatchewan
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E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: Red Lauttamus
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Webmaster
Date July 21, 2013