Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

History of Cadillac and Surrounding District, The Good Old Days
Prepared by Alta Legros and Marlene Davidson for Homecoming '71
Elmwood, Fairy Lake, Boule Creek, Priory, Wheatville, Crichton, Bedford, Orwell, Highway, Gouverneur, McKnight, Pinto Head, Driscol Lake, Frenchville, Lac Pelletier, Notre Dame, Cadillac
Saskatchewan, Canada
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History of Cadillac and Surrounding District, The Good Old Days, Prepared by Alta Legros and Marlene Davidson for Homecoming '71, Elmwood, Fairy Lake, Boule Creek, Priory, Wheatville, Crichton, Bedford, Orwell, Highway, Gouverneur, McKnight, Pinto Head, Driscol Lake, Frenchville, Lac Pelletier, Notre Dame, Cadillac,  Saskatchewan, Canada

History of Cadillac and Surrounding District, The Good Old Days scans / photographs taken by Christa Kaytor


Source 221 History of Cadillac and Surrounding District, The Good Old Days

  • ELMWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT 2733 was the first name for CADILLAC SCHOOL DISTRICT 2733. The first ELMWOOD school was built in 1910 on the John Best Farm, and the first teacher was Rev. York who also held "Holiness Movement" church services on Sunday, and attended to his homestead duties in the evenings. in 1915, the school relocated to Cadillac, and by the following school year a new two room school house was needed, and the original school was positioned in the school yard for a thrid classroom. By 1926, two more rooms were added, and in 1954 the "HIGHWAY" SCHOOL building was relocated to the school yard. The grades eleven and twelve students were conveyed into Ponteix for secondary schooling by 1967. (page 17)

  • FAIRY LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3591 ratepayers sent in their petition in the spring of 1915. By June 8, that same year, the school district was incorporated, and the residents built a school building. The first teacher was Iona Franks. FAIRY LAKE school remained open until 1953, when it closed, and four years later the building was sold. The teachers who came in to the district boarded with Mrs. Mary Fischer. FAIRY LAKE school building was moved to the LITTLE SIX school yard, and thereupon became the Trinity Lutheran Church. (page 21)

  • LITTLE SIX SCHOOL DISTRICT (page 25) opened 1920 on the north west quarter of section 8 township 8 range 13 west of the third meridian. Miss Skelton was the first teacher there. This school operated until 1931. LITTLE SIX SCHOOL buildings was moved to the STOVE LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT, and while there, the building was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. The LITTLE SIX teacherage was also sold.

  • BOULE CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT 3314 started out under the name of JUPITER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3314. The name changed in March of 1916. The land for BOULE CREEK SCHOOL was donated by A.C. Anderson from their homestead of the N. half of section 22 township 8 range 14 west of the third meridian. The school went up ofver the years 1913-1914. Julian Austring became the first teacher March 1, 1915 over a classs of 35 pupils. Pastor T.L. Rosholt conducted services in the school, until a church was built and ready for occupation in the fall of 1916. In 1963, the school was closed, and the building remained in operation as a community centre. The teacherage and barn were sold. (page 23)

  • PRIORY SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 was first named CRICHTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 until March 1, 1932 which was on the south east quarter of section 16 township 9 range 14. The school joined the larger school unit in 1945, and the school barn was sold in 1951, and the school building sold the following year. (page 33)


  • CRICHTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 was the first name given to the school district, the name changed to PRIORY SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 in March of 1932. The ratepayers met in 1915 to arrange for a school district. The petition was granted by the Department of Education (Now the Ministry of Education), and the first teacher recorded was Annie Elizabeth Snook teaching in the fall of 1916. (page 33)

  • VALLEE STE. CLAIRE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3184 ratepayers met in January of 1913 to form a school district. After receiving the petition, the Department of Education (now the Ministry of Education) granted the incorporation of the school district in December of that year. The school house opened on the NE corner of NE section of section 8, though some site the location as the NW corner of the NW quarter of section 9 township 10 range 14 west of the third meridian. The school closed in 1956, and the school house and the land were both sold. (page 40)

  • BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 3195 pioneers met in January of 1912 with a pressing need to establish a school district. Three petitions were sent to the Department of Education between 1912-1913. Finally, the Department of Education approved the school district February 1914. Wm H. Cameron began classes in the late summer of 1914. A new schoolhouse was erected in 1929 on the south west quarter of section 29 township 10 ragne 13, and the old school sold and moved. (page 40)

  • ORWELL SCHOOL DISTRICT 3680 ratepayers came together in January 1914 to form a school district. The school house went up in 1916 on the sw quarter of section 36 township 10 range 13 west of the 3rd meridian. The first teacher was Hazel Peters. The last class was held in the school year 1948-1949. (page 43)

  • HIGHWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT 4623 was erected in 1925 on the north east quarter of section 31 township 9 range 13, and opened under Miss Phyllis K. Bain in January of 1926. The school closed in 1947, and the school was relocated to the Cadillac school yard as another classroom. (page 45)

  • GOUVERNEUR SCHOOL DISTRICT 4557 was formed February 28, 1924. Miss Margeurite M. Sailnier became the first teacher in August of 1924, before this classes were held in the United Church earlier that year. The school building was raised in 1926. GOUVERNEUR joined SHAUNAVON SCHOOL UNIT in 1945, and GOUVERNEUR closed in 1953. The school was situated in Gouverneur which began as a Canadian Pacific Railway siding on SW quarter of section 30 township 9 range 12 west of the third meridian. (page 50)

  • MCKNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT 863 ratepayers came together for their first meeting in June of 1911. In September of that year the school boundaries were established, and the district incorporated in May of 1912. Classes began in Septemeber 1912 under Mary C. Taylor. The school was situated on the north east quarter of section 17 township 8 range 12 west of the third meridian. In 1950, the school closed, and the school house was sold. (page 53)

  • STOVE LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4739 students first attended MCKNIGHT school. Children then attended classes in the homes of pioneers. In 1950, the LITTLE SIX SCHOOL HOUSE was moved into the STOVE LAKE DISTRICT. This building was hit by lightning, and so the ATOIMAH SCHOOL HOUSE was then moved onto the school yard. In 1962 were the last classes, and the school barn, the school house and the yard were all sold. (page 56)

  • PINTO HEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT 3959 was formed 1918. The building went up on the south east quarter of section 4 township 7 range 12 west of the third meridian. Myrtle Isaac was the first teacher. The school closed between 1937-1955 and then was re-located to a central location to the students of the district upon re-opening. In 1962, the school closed and was sold. Pupils were conveyed to STOVE LAKE SCHOOL, until it closed two years later, and then students were bussed to Ponteix for schooling. (page 56)

  • KINGSMEADE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4011 school district formed in 1918, and the school house went up on the north east quarter of section 10 township 7 range 13 west of the third meridian. KINGSMEADE closed in 1940, and the school house was sold to the P.F.R.A. (page 56)

  • DRISCOL LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3336 pioneers met Februrary 1914 to begin the organization for a school district. The petition was accepted by the Department of Education, and the school district incorporated May 1914. In 1915 the school house went up on two acres; "1 acre of SE 1/4 on SW corner of section 13, Tp. 7, Rg. 14 and 1 acre of SW 1/4 on SE corner of section 13, Tp 13, Tp. 7, Rg. 14." Classes opened in 1915 under Miss O'Connor. School closed in 1946, the school house was sold and moved to Val Marie and re-purposed as a store. The Driscol Lake post office was located on the north west quarter of section 12 township 7 range 14 west of the third meridian. (page 60)

  • FRENCHVILLE The post office Frenchville was established 1917 on section 14 township 7 range 15 west of the third meridian. The post office had begun under the name St. Aldwyn in 1911, and was renamed Dilatrault in 1912, and then Frenchville post office in 1917. (page 62)

  • CONGRESS SCHOOL near Lac Pelletier. (As an aside Congress the hamlet was at NW 24-9-1-W3) (page 63)LAC PELLETIER Lac Pelletier post office was set up at south east quarter of section 28 township 11 range 14 west of the third meridian. (page 63)

  • NOTRE DAME Notre Dame D'Auvergne settlement began under Father Royer, In 1913, the railway came through, the townsite moved across the creek and was re-mamed Ponteix. (page 64)

  • CADILLAC (page 68)

    For more information:

    Submissions by Christa Kaytor in the area around Cadillac, Saskatchewan.

    22 Our Roots Nos Racines
    Cadillac : prairie heritage
    Cadillac and District History Book Association

    • Cadillac SD 3336 1914-1941

    • Cadillac (Elmwood) S.D. 2733 SE 16 9 13

    • Beauchamp S.D. 4141 NW 7 7 14 1919-1968

    • Beaver Valley S.D. 3804

    • Bedford S.D. 3195 NE 29 10 13 moved to NW 20 10 13

    • Boule Creek S.D. 3314 SW N 22

    • Crichton SE 16 9 14 changed names to Priory 1916-1939

    • Crichton (Priory) S.D. 3716, 1932-1939

    • Wheatville S.D. 4547 9-15-W3

    • Driscol Lake S.D. 3336

    • Fairy Lake S.D. 3591 1915-1953 movd to NW 8 8 13 and named Trinity Lutheran Church

    • Gouverneur S.D. 4557

    • Highway S.D. 4623 NE 31 9 13 1925-1947

    • Kingsmeade S.D. 4011 1918-

    • Little Six S.D. 4262 NW 8 8 13 1919-1934

    • Orwell S.D. 3680 1916-1949

    • Prairie Lane S.D. 4059 SE SE 4 8 14 moved to SW SW 4 8 14

    • Valle Ste. Claire S.D. 3184 NW NW 9 10 14 1916-1959

    • Jupiter SD 3314 SW N section 22 1916 Name changed to Boule Creek SD 3314

    One Room Schoolhouse Map
    School Map used with permission

    Historical township, range, meridian maps

    Cadillac Village School

Gallery | History of Cadillac and District.

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1. From: Christa Kaytor
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Cadillac area school information

This book is online with permission of Christa Kaytor, descendant of Alta Legros and permission of co-author Marlene Davidson. It is the intention of this site to make historical information regarding Cadillac and area available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this map service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan historical data from this web page. Any further use of this book would require permission from the book authors as per copyright laws in Canada.
LMWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT 2733 was the first name for CADILLAC SCHOOL DISTRICT 2733. The first ELMWOOD school was built in 1910 on the John Best Farm, and the first teacher was Rev. York who also held "Holiness Movement" church services on Sunday, and attended to his homestead duties in the evenings. in 1915, the school relocated to Cadillac, and by the following school year a new two room school house was needed, and the original school was positioned in the school yard for a thrid classroom. By 1926, two more rooms were added, and in 1954 the "HIGHWAY" SCHOOL building was relocated to the school yard. The grades eleven and twelve students were conveyed into Ponteix for secondary schooling by 1967. , FAIRY LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3591 ratepayers sent in their petition in the spring of 1915. By June 8, that same year, the school district was incorporated, and the residents built a school building. The first teacher was Iona Franks. FAIRY LAKE school remained open until 1953, when it closed, and four years later the building was sold. The teachers who came in to the district boarded with Mrs. Mary Fischer. FAIRY LAKE school building was moved to the LITTLE SIX school yard, and thereupon became the Trinity Lutheran Church. , LITTLE SIX SCHOOL DISTRICT (page 25) opened 1920 on the north west quarter of section 8 township 8 range 13 west of the third meridian. Miss Skelton was the first teacher there. This school operated until 1931. LITTLE SIX SCHOOL buildings was moved to the STOVE LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT, and while there, the building was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. The LITTLE SIX teacherage was also sold. BOULE CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT 3314 started out under the name of JUPITER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3314. The name changed in March of 1916. The land for BOULE CREEK SCHOOL was donated by A.C. Anderson from their homestead of the N. half of section 22 township 8 range 14 west of the third meridian. The school went up ofver the years 1913-1914. Julian Austring became the first teacher March 1, 1915 over a classs of 35 pupils. Pastor T.L. Rosholt conducted services in the school, until a church was built and ready for occupation in the fall of 1916. In 1963, the school was closed, and the building remained in operation as a community centre. The teacherage and barn were sold. PRIORY SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 was first named CRICHTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 until March 1, 1932 which was on the south east quarter of section 16 township 9 range 14. The school joined the larger school unit in 1945, and the school barn was sold in 1951, and the school building sold the following yearWHEATVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4547 ratepayers came together November 1920 with the objective of forming a school district. The school district was incorporated Septemeber 1923. The school house was built that same year township 9 range 15 west of the third meridian, and opened under Wilfred E. Reed. When the school closed 1961, it was sold to the Crichton Community Club and used as a centre in the community. Students were thereafter conveyed into Cadillac or Admiral.,CRICHTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 was the first name given to the school district, the name changed to PRIORY SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 in March of 1932. The ratepayers met in 1915 to arrange for a school district. The petition was granted by the Department of Education (Now the Ministry of Education), and the first teacher recorded was Annie Elizabeth Snook teaching in the fall of 1916. ,VALLEE STE. CLAIRE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3184 ratepayers met in January of 1913 to form a school district. After receiving the petition, the Department of Education (now the Ministry of Education) granted the incorporation of the school district in December of that year. The school house opened on the NE corner of NE section of section 8, though some site the location as the NW corner of the NW quarter of section 9 township 10 range 14 west of the third meridian. The school closed in 1956, and the school house and the land were both sold. ,BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 3195 pioneers met in January of 1912 with a pressing need to establish a school district. Three petitions were sent to the Department of Education between 1912-1913. Finally, the Department of Education approved the school district February 1914. Wm H. Cameron began classes in the late summer of 1914. A new schoolhouse was erected in 1929 on the south west quarter of section 29 township 10 ragne 13, and the old school sold and moved. ,ORWELL SCHOOL DISTRICT 3680 ratepayers came together in January 1914 to form a school district. The school house went up in 1916 on the sw quarter of section 36 township 10 range 13 west of the 3rd meridian. The first teacher was Hazel Peters. The last class was held in the school year 1948-1949. ,HIGHWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT 4623 was erected in 1925 on the north east quarter of section 31 township 9 range 13, and opened under Miss Phyllis K. Bain in January of 1926. The school closed in 1947, and the school was relocated to the Cadillac school yard as another classroom. ,GOUVERNEUR SCHOOL DISTRICT 4557 was formed February 28, 1924. Miss Margeurite M. Sailnier became the first teacher in August of 1924, before this classes were held in the United Church earlier that year. The school building was raised in 1926. GOUVERNEUR joined SHAUNAVON SCHOOL UNIT in 1945, and GOUVERNEUR closed in 1953. The school was situated in Gouverneur which began as a Canadian Pacific Railway siding on SW quarter of section 30 township 9 range 12 west of the third meridian. ,MCKNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT 863 ratepayers came together for their first meeting in June of 1911. In September of that year the school boundaries were established, and the district incorporated in May of 1912. Classes began in Septemeber 1912 under Mary C. Taylor. The school was situated on the north east quarter of section 17 township 8 range 12 west of the third meridian. In 1950, the school closed, and the school house was sold. ,STOVE LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4739 students first attended MCKNIGHT school. Children then attended classes in the homes of pioneers. In 1950, the LITTLE SIX SCHOOL HOUSE was moved into the STOVE LAKE DISTRICT. This building was hit by lightning, and so the ATOIMAH SCHOOL HOUSE was then moved onto the school yard. In 1962 were the last classes, and the school barn, the school house and the yard were all sold. ,PINTO HEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT 3959 was formed 1918. The building went up on the south east quarter of section 4 township 7 range 12 west of the third meridian. Myrtle Isaac was the first teacher. The school closed between 1937-1955 and then was re-located to a central location to the students of the district upon re-opening. In 1962, the school closed and was sold. Pupils were conveyed to STOVE LAKE SCHOOL, until it closed two years later, and then students were bussed to Ponteix for schooling. ,KINGSMEADE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4011 school district formed in 1918, and the school house went up on the north east quarter of section 10 township 7 range 13 west of the third meridian. KINGSMEADE closed in 1940, and the school house was sold to the P.F.R.A.,DRISCOL LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3336 pioneers met Februrary 1914 to begin the organization for a school district. The petition was accepted by the Department of Education, and the school district incorporated May 1914. In 1915 the school house went up on two acres; "1 acre of SE 1/4 on SW corner of section 13, Tp. 7, Rg. 14 and 1 acre of SW 1/4 on SE corner of section 13, Tp 13, Tp. 7, Rg. 14." Classes opened in 1915 under Miss O'Connor. School closed in 1946, the school house was sold and moved to Val Marie and re-purposed as a store. The Driscol Lake post office was located on the north west quarter of section 12 township 7 range 14 west of the third meridian. ,FRENCHVILLE The post office Frenchville was established 1917 on section 14 township 7 range 15 west of the third meridian. The post office had begun under the name St. Aldwyn in 1911, and was renamed Dilatrault in 1912, and then Frenchville post office in 1917. (page 62)CONGRESS SCHOOL near Lac Pelletier. (As an aside Congress the hamlet was at NW 24-9-1-W3) ,LAC PELLETIER Lac Pelletier post office was set up at south east quarter of section 28 township 11 range 14 west of the third meridian. ,NOTRE DAME Notre Dame D'Auvergne settlement began under Father Royer, In 1913, the railway came through, the townsite moved across the creek and was re-mamed Ponteix. ,CADILLAC ,LMWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT 2733 was the first name for CADILLAC SCHOOL DISTRICT 2733. The first ELMWOOD school was built in 1910 on the John Best Farm, and the first teacher was Rev. York who also held "Holiness Movement" church services on Sunday, and attended to his homestead duties in the evenings. in 1915, the school relocated to Cadillac, and by the following school year a new two room school house was needed, and the original school was positioned in the school yard for a thrid classroom. By 1926, two more rooms were added, and in 1954 the "HIGHWAY" SCHOOL building was relocated to the school yard. The grades eleven and twelve students were conveyed into Ponteix for secondary schooling by 1967. , FAIRY LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3591 ratepayers sent in their petition in the spring of 1915. By June 8, that same year, the school district was incorporated, and the residents built a school building. The first teacher was Iona Franks. FAIRY LAKE school remained open until 1953, when it closed, and four years later the building was sold. The teachers who came in to the district boarded with Mrs. Mary Fischer. FAIRY LAKE school building was moved to the LITTLE SIX school yard, and thereupon became the Trinity Lutheran Church. , LITTLE SIX SCHOOL DISTRICT (page 25) opened 1920 on the north west quarter of section 8 township 8 range 13 west of the third meridian. Miss Skelton was the first teacher there. This school operated until 1931. LITTLE SIX SCHOOL buildings was moved to the STOVE LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT, and while there, the building was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. The LITTLE SIX teacherage was also sold. BOULE CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT 3314 started out under the name of JUPITER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3314. The name changed in March of 1916. The land for BOULE CREEK SCHOOL was donated by A.C. Anderson from their homestead of the N. half of section 22 township 8 range 14 west of the third meridian. The school went up ofver the years 1913-1914. Julian Austring became the first teacher March 1, 1915 over a classs of 35 pupils. Pastor T.L. Rosholt conducted services in the school, until a church was built and ready for occupation in the fall of 1916. In 1963, the school was closed, and the building remained in operation as a community centre. The teacherage and barn were sold. PRIORY SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 was first named CRICHTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 until March 1, 1932 which was on the south east quarter of section 16 township 9 range 14. The school joined the larger school unit in 1945, and the school barn was sold in 1951, and the school building sold the following yearWHEATVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4547 ratepayers came together November 1920 with the objective of forming a school district. The school district was incorporated Septemeber 1923. The school house was built that same year township 9 range 15 west of the third meridian, and opened under Wilfred E. Reed. When the school closed 1961, it was sold to the Crichton Community Club and used as a centre in the community. Students were thereafter conveyed into Cadillac or Admiral.,CRICHTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 was the first name given to the school district, the name changed to PRIORY SCHOOL DISTRICT 3716 in March of 1932. The ratepayers met in 1915 to arrange for a school district. The petition was granted by the Department of Education (Now the Ministry of Education), and the first teacher recorded was Annie Elizabeth Snook teaching in the fall of 1916. ,VALLEE STE. CLAIRE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3184 ratepayers met in January of 1913 to form a school district. After receiving the petition, the Department of Education (now the Ministry of Education) granted the incorporation of the school district in December of that year. The school house opened on the NE corner of NE section of section 8, though some site the location as the NW corner of the NW quarter of section 9 township 10 range 14 west of the third meridian. The school closed in 1956, and the school house and the land were both sold. ,BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 3195 pioneers met in January of 1912 with a pressing need to establish a school district. Three petitions were sent to the Department of Education between 1912-1913. Finally, the Department of Education approved the school district February 1914. Wm H. Cameron began classes in the late summer of 1914. A new schoolhouse was erected in 1929 on the south west quarter of section 29 township 10 ragne 13, and the old school sold and moved. ,ORWELL SCHOOL DISTRICT 3680 ratepayers came together in January 1914 to form a school district. The school house went up in 1916 on the sw quarter of section 36 township 10 range 13 west of the 3rd meridian. The first teacher was Hazel Peters. The last class was held in the school year 1948-1949. ,HIGHWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT 4623 was erected in 1925 on the north east quarter of section 31 township 9 range 13, and opened under Miss Phyllis K. Bain in January of 1926. The school closed in 1947, and the school was relocated to the Cadillac school yard as another classroom. ,GOUVERNEUR SCHOOL DISTRICT 4557 was formed February 28, 1924. Miss Margeurite M. Sailnier became the first teacher in August of 1924, before this classes were held in the United Church earlier that year. The school building was raised in 1926. GOUVERNEUR joined SHAUNAVON SCHOOL UNIT in 1945, and GOUVERNEUR closed in 1953. The school was situated in Gouverneur which began as a Canadian Pacific Railway siding on SW quarter of section 30 township 9 range 12 west of the third meridian. ,MCKNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT 863 ratepayers came together for their first meeting in June of 1911. In September of that year the school boundaries were established, and the district incorporated in May of 1912. Classes began in Septemeber 1912 under Mary C. Taylor. The school was situated on the north east quarter of section 17 township 8 range 12 west of the third meridian. In 1950, the school closed, and the school house was sold. ,STOVE LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4739 students first attended MCKNIGHT school. Children then attended classes in the homes of pioneers. In 1950, the LITTLE SIX SCHOOL HOUSE was moved into the STOVE LAKE DISTRICT. This building was hit by lightning, and so the ATOIMAH SCHOOL HOUSE was then moved onto the school yard. In 1962 were the last classes, and the school barn, the school house and the yard were all sold. ,PINTO HEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT 3959 was formed 1918. The building went up on the south east quarter of section 4 township 7 range 12 west of the third meridian. Myrtle Isaac was the first teacher. The school closed between 1937-1955 and then was re-located to a central location to the students of the district upon re-opening. In 1962, the school closed and was sold. Pupils were conveyed to STOVE LAKE SCHOOL, until it closed two years later, and then students were bussed to Ponteix for schooling. ,KINGSMEADE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4011 school district formed in 1918, and the school house went up on the north east quarter of section 10 township 7 range 13 west of the third meridian. KINGSMEADE closed in 1940, and the school house was sold to the P.F.R.A.,DRISCOL LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3336 pioneers met Februrary 1914 to begin the organization for a school district. The petition was accepted by the Department of Education, and the school district incorporated May 1914. In 1915 the school house went up on two acres; "1 acre of SE 1/4 on SW corner of section 13, Tp. 7, Rg. 14 and 1 acre of SW 1/4 on SE corner of section 13, Tp. 7, Rg. 14." Classes opened in 1915 under Miss O'Connor. School closed in 1946, the school house was sold and moved to Val Marie and re-purposed as a store. The Driscol Lake post office was located on the north west quarter of section 12 township 7 range 14 west of the third meridian. ,FRENCHVILLE The post office Frenchville was established 1917 on section 14 township 7 range 15 west of the third meridian. The post office had begun under the name St. Aldwyn in 1911, and was renamed Dilatrault in 1912, and then Frenchville post office in 1917. (page 62)CONGRESS SCHOOL near Lac Pelletier. (As an aside Congress the hamlet was at NW 24-9-1-W3) ,LAC PELLETIER Lac Pelletier post office was set up at south east quarter of section 28 township 11 range 14 west of the third meridian. ,NOTRE DAME Notre Dame D'Auvergne settlement began under Father Royer, In 1913, the railway came through, the townsite moved across the creek and was re-mamed Ponteix. ,CADILLAC , Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,