BOULE CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT 3314 started out under the name of JUPITER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3314. The name changed in March of 1916. The land for BOULE CREEK SCHOOL was donated by A.C. Anderson from their homestead of the N. half of section 22 township 8 range 14 west of the third meridian. The school went up ofver the years 1913-1914. Julian Austring became the first teacher March 1, 1915 over a class of 35 pupils. Pastor T.L. Rosholt conducted services in the school, until a church was built and ready for occupation in the fall of 1916. In 1963, the school was closed, and the building remained in operation as a community centre. The teacherage and barn were sold. (page 23) Book: History of Cadillac and Surrounding District, The Good Old Days Prepared by Alta Legros and Marlene Davidson for Homecoming '71 Elmwood, Fairy Lake, Boule Creek, Priory, Wheatville, Crichton, Bedford, Orwell, Highway, Gouverneur, McKnight, Pinto Head, Driscol Lake, Frenchville, Lac Pelletier, Notre Dame, Cadillac For more information: Submissions by Christa Kaytor in the area around Cadillac, Saskatchewan. Cadillac : prairie heritage Cadillac and District History Book Association
School Map used with permission Historical township, range, meridian maps Cadillac Village School Historical township, range, meridian maps |
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