Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Bissell School No 2745
NE section 8 township 12, range 15 west of the 3rd meridian
near Foussemour and Vesper, Saskatchewan northwest of Lac Pelletier and southwest of Swift Current.

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Red Lauttamus

Vesper was located at NW Sec.20, Twp.12, R.15, W3
Fossemour post office was at Sec.4, Twp.13, R.15, W3
and Lac Pelletier Sec.28, Twp.11, R.14, W3

Swift Current Section One Room Schoolhouse Map

Twp.12, R.15, W3


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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
Swift Current Gen Web Region
E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: Red Lauttamus
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster Subject: Bissell 2745 one room schoolhouse, Saskatchewan
Date August 5, 2011