For more information on BARRYVILLE School DistrictFrom the hill to the border. 1981.Nearby PlacenamesCactus Lake 29-36-27-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated placeCosine 33-36-28-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Denzil 33-37-26-W3 is a nearby Village Eye Hill No. 382 is a nearby Rural municipality Grosswerder 10-37-27-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Hallam 26-38-28-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Heart's Hill No. 352 is a nearby Rural Municipality Hearts Hill 33-36-26-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place Primate 17-38-27-W3 is a nearby Village School maps used with permission |
Gallery | Other submissions by Eric Larrson near Macklin, SK |
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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter
1. From: Eric Larrson
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Webmaster
Date May 5, 2017