Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Aikins School District 2304

SW Section 25 Township 29 Range 2 West of the Second Meridian
plaque in the village of Kenaston
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Footnote 19 Kith 'n kin : the history of Kenaston and district Kenaston, Saskatchewan: Kenaston History Committee, 1980 includes:
Aikens School District was formed March 8, 1909.
AIKENS School District No 2304 was constructed in 1909 between sections 24 and 25 Tsp 29. In 1910 classes commenced under Miss Beatrice Haygarth and served the community until some time after 1951.

Please see this local history book, Kith 'n kin : the history of Kenaston and district for more details.

The plaque, historic photo and miniature schoolhouse photographed above are in the memorial park located in the village of Kenaston proper.

The photograph shows the names of:
Beatrice HaygarthRose Voytilla
Annie KriskoArrena Thompson
Hazel FjeldstromMartin Olson
Bert HolderSarah Olson
George VoytillaWalton Fjeldstrom
Cap BegonJohn Krisko
Joe KriskoJohn Sabo
Vern ThompsonAnnie Pavelich
  Josie Olson
  Mary Krisko

Kenaston, the village is located at NE 19 Tsp 29 Rge 2 W3, previous name Bopnnington Springs Post Office which had a location of SE 28 29 3 W3.

There was also an Aikens Siding in SK but not located near this location, but rather at NE 10 16 13 W3 which is approximately 78 miles south and 66 miles west of the original Aikens SD 2304 schoolhouse site.


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