Drawings of Historical Saskatchewan

Circuit Rider

The itinerant preacher, or "circuit rider", brought spiritual comfort and not infrequently material aid to the members of his widely separated flock. He might tend the sick with the simple remedies in his power, and console their relatives. He might carry messages from one lonely cabin to another, and convey the news of sad or joyous occasions or events of national or world-wide import. To all he gave that sense of belonging to the congregation, to the group, which is the beginning of community life and nationhood. The preachers were of various denominations. Frequently they were of American origin, but religious and national lines were not tightly drawn on the frontier, and the circuit rider often visited and served all alike.
--Quoted From: Our Canada: Text on page 183: Arthur G. Dorland M. A. Ph.D.: The Copp Clark Publishing Co. Limited: Toronto: 1949 ... and ...
The PICTURE GALLERY of CANADIAN HISTORY Vol. 2 1763 to 1830. Illustration on page 213.

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Genealogy Queries
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Illustrations drawn and collected by Jefferys, C.W., R.C.A., L.L.D.
Assisted by T.W. McLean

The Ryerson Press - Toronto
Copyright Canada, 1945 by C.W. Jefferys, R.C.A.