A Land Harvested By Faith 1884-1994 Wakaw |
| Prociuk. Judge A. W., Q.C | 595 |
| Prociuk. Wasyl and Anna | 599 |
| Prytula, Alex and Martha | 603 |
| Prytula, John and Anne family | 604 |
| Purmanic, Cyprian and Julia | 245 |
| Rawlyk, Ernie and Janet | 610 |
| Rawlyk, Pearl and Fred | 606 |
| Redhead, Fred and Verna | 612 |
| RedI, Anthony and Evangeline | 622 |
| RedI, Frank Sr. and Barbara | 612 |
| RedI, George and Christina | 614 |
| RedI, John and Germaine | 624 |
| RedI, Joseph A. and Nellie | 625 |
| RedI, Martin and Katherine | 621 |
| RedI, Michael and Mary | 619 |
| Monday, December 04, 2000 | Page 23 of 31 |
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