A Land Harvested By Faith 1884-1994 Wakaw |
| Kraus, Joseph and Rose | 390 |
| Kraus, Michael Jr. and Veronica | 384 |
| Kucirka, William and Mary | 392 |
| Kushneryk, Metro and Dolly | 397 |
| Kushneryk, Roman and Elaine | 400 |
| Kushneryk, Rony and Lucille | 403 |
| Kustaski, Peter and Dora | 404 |
| Kutasi, John and Susanne | 405 |
| Kwasnica, Peter and Alice | 407 |
| Kwasnica, Ted and Bernice | 409 |
| Laiowski, Wasyl and Antonina | 418 |
| Lasko, Alexander and Martha | 413 |
| Monday, December 04, 2000 | Page 13 of 31 |
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