Beaton H. Squires, senior member of the firm of Squires & Sibbald of Saskatoon, was born in Newfoundland, on the 16th of December, 1881, a son of John and Amelia (Hippisley) Squires, natives of Newfoundland and of English and Scotch descent, the former of whom is a retired clergy- man of the Congregational church. He has held many charges throughout the east and is promineutly known in religious circles. Mrs. Squires is also living. The public schools of Newfoundland afforded Beaton H. Squires his early education and subsequently he enrolled in Harvard University, from which institution he received the A. B. and LL. B. degrees. For four years he practiced in Boston, Massachusetts, having been admitted to the bar there in 1908. In 1913 he came to Saskatoon and has since practiced here. For three years he practiced as a member of the firm of Maclean, Hollin- rake, Moxon, & Squires and then for several years practiced independ- ently. In January, 1923, he formed a partnership with Andrew S. Sibbald and the firm style is now Squires & Sibbald. Mr. Squires brought to the profession thorough training and innate ability and well merits the posi- tion he occupies among the foremost barristers and solicitors at the provincial bar. Although the greater part of his time and attention is de- voted to his profession, Mr. Squires is interested in agricultural pursuits and owns considerable land in this district. On the 1st of February, 1913, Mr. Squires was married to Miss Edith Louise Gaffield, who was born in Brooklme, Massachusetts, United States of America. She is a woman of culture and refinement. Since attaining his majority Mr. Squires has given his political allegiance to the Conserva- tive party. His religious faith is that of the Congregational church, and fraternally he is identified with the Masons. He was president of the Canadian Club while attending Harvard, holding that office for two years. Along strictly professional lines he is identified with the Canadian Bar Association, the Saskatchewan Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association. Mr. Squires has always been interested in athletics and dur- ing his Harvard days won fame as a football player. He played tackle on the Harvard team for four years and was captain of the Harvard varsity team his senior year. In 1904 and 1905 he was all American tackle, an honorary position. When he first started in the practice of law Mr. Squires also coached a football team and was active in both connec- tions for four years, at the termination of which time his increased prac- tice demanded his entire time and attention. Mr. Squires is a man of high intellectual attainments and stands for the highest professional ethics. His friends in this community are legion and he is readily conceded to be one of the most successful and representative barristers at the provincial bar. Bibliography follows:

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