Canada is proud to number among her native sons Hugh Smith, city
assessor of Saskatoon. He was born in the district of Wellington, Ontario,
on the 28th of March, 1867, a son of Archibald and Janet (McCorkindale)
Smith, natives of Scotland. His parents came to Canada in the '5Os and
located in the township of Erin, county of Wellington, Ontario. Mr. Smith
took up land there and he brought it to a highly improved state, operating
the farm until three or four days prior to his death, at the age of ninety-
four years, in 1903. Mrs. Smith who survived her husband until 1907,
was eighty-four years of age at the time of her death.
In the pursuit of his education Hugh Smith attended the public schools
of the township of Erin, county of Wellington, Ontario, and he remained
with his parents until their death. During that time he engaged in clerk-
ing for a few years and also assisted his father on the home farm. He
also engaged in farming on his own account until 1905. In 1907 he came
to Saskatoon and he and his brother bought three-quarters of a section of
land near Sutherland. This land was already highly improved and the
brothers operated it with great success for some three years. At the
termination of that time they disposed of the land and Mr. Smith went to
work for the city of Saskatoon as assistant assessor. In 1920 he was
appointed assessor, in which position he is still serving.
On the 21st of August, 1918, Mr. Smith was married to Miss Elizabeth
Elliott. She is a woman of culture and refinement and maintains an active
interest in the club and social affairs of Saskatoon. The political alle-
giance of Mr. Smith is given to the Liberal party and he takes an active
interest in party affairs. He was a member of the council in the township
of Erin, Wellington county, Ontario, and was a member of the council
in the rural municipality of Blackley, Saskatchewan, in 1908. Fraternally
Mr. Smith is identified with the Masons, belonging to Imperial Lodge, and
his religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. For recreation from
his official duties Mr. Smith turns to the great outdoors and he is particu-
larly fond of playing tennis. His hobby is gardening.
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