Dr. Oswald E. Rothwell, a well known representative of the medical profession in Regina, was born in Brantford, Ontario, on the 29th of August, 1879, son of William and Margaret (Turnbull) Rothwell, the father of Irish and the mother of Scotch descent. The parents were born and reared in Ontario and lived there for a number of years following their marriage, coming to Regina in 1892. An educator by profession, William Rothwell held a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University and taught for a number of years in his native province, holding the position of principal in various schools. He came to Moose Jaw in 1890, where he was principal of schools. He was appointed to the position of inspector of schools in 1891 and held that position until 1906, when he was superannuated and retired from active work until his death in 1918, in Regina. The Rothwells were members of the Presbyterian church. The youngest of a family of seven children, Oswald E. Rothwell was educated in the public schools and graduated from the high school of Regina, whither he had come with his parents when he was twelve years old. In 1901 he was granted the Bachelor of Arts degree by the Manitoba University and the following year entered the medical school at McGill University, where he took the four-year course and graduated in 1906. The young doctor began the practice of his profession in Regina in 1907 and has continued in this city ever since, where a large number of patients attest his skill as a physician and surgeon. Dr. Rothwell was married in 1910, to Miss Mabel Young. Mrs. Rothwell was brought to Regina by her parents when she was but eight months old and was reared and educated in this city. Three children have been born to Dr. and Mrs. Rothwell: William Oswald, Elizabeth and Margaret. The Rothwells are members of the Knox Presbyterian church. For six years Dr. Rothwell served on the board of governors of the Regina General Hospital. His political support has always been given to the Liberal party. Bibliography follows:

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