H. S. Potter is identified with insurance circles of Saskatchewan as
manager of the North Saskatchewan Division of the Sun Life Assurance
Company of Canada, with residence at Saskatoon. He was born in the
town of Digby, Nova Scotia, on the 18th of August, 1882, a son of John
and Bertha (Eldridge) Potter, natives of Nova Scotia and of Empire
Loyalist stock. For many years the father engaged in the piano business
and he is now living retired in Middleton, Nova Scotia, a highly respected
and esteemed citizen.
H. S. Potter received his education in the public schools of Digby,
Nova Scotia, and after putting his textbooks aside became associated
with the American Express Company at Boston for six or seven years.
He was agent at Brighton, Massachusetts, in 1906, and subsequently came
to Canada and for one year was associated with the Dominion Express
Company at Winnipeg. At the termination of that time he went on the
road as salesman for McLaren of Hamilton, a wholesale grocery, coffee
and spice concern, and his territory took him to the Pacific coast. He re-
mained with McLaren until the spring of 1910, when he went into the
insurance business at Medicine Hat. He also handled real estate as a
member of the firm of Potter & Kent. In 1913 he sold out his interest to
Mr. Kent and went to Nelson, British Columbia, as superintendent of the
Sun Life Assurance Company. Subsequently he went to Vancouver and
was then transferred to Pittsburgh. In November, 1917, he came to
Saskatoon as manager of the North Saskatchewan division of the Sun
Life Assurance Company and he has built up an extensive and ever-
increasing business, being well fitted to discharge the duties of this im-
portant position and he is one of the foremost citizens of Saskatoon.
In March, 1910, Mr. Potter was married to Miss Edith Batho, a
daughter of Stephen Batho. She was born in Kenilworth, Ontario. Mrs.
Potter is a woman of culture and refinement and she is prominent in the
club and social circles of Saskatoon, and has many friends in this city.
Since attaining his majority Mr. Potter has maintained an indepen-
dent course in politics, giving his support to the man best fitted for the
office without regard to party principles. Mr. Potter is essentially public-
spirited and supports those interests which promise to develop and improve
the community. For two years he was treasurer of the local Cham-
ber of Commerce. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and has
attained the Mystic Shrine. Socially he is identified with the Saskatoon
Club, the Saskatoon Golf Club and the Riverside Club. He also holds
membership in the Canadian Club. His religious faith is that of the
Baptist church.
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