A successful member of the district and provincial bars is Allen E. Neville, a member of the firm of Hetherington & Neville of Kerrobert. He was born in Goodlands, Manitoba, on the 22d of February, 1890, a son of M. R. and Bridget (Gleason) Neville, natives of Napanee, Ontario. M. R. Neville was engaged in farming in his native province at the time of the gold rush to California in 1869, and immediately joined the gold seekers and for some twelve years operated mines in that state. Subse- quently he returned to Canada, acquired a homestead in Manitoba in 1882 and farmed until 1905. He is now living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, retired from active life. Allen E. Neville received his early education in the rural schools of the municipality of Brenda and subsequently enrolled in the Manitoba College at Winnipeg, from which institution he was graduated with the B. A. degree in 1911. He then took up the study of law in Manitoba Uni- versity and was graduated with honors and the LL. B. degree in 1913, when twenty-three years of age. He was called to the bar the following year and practiced at Oak Lake, Manitoba, for one year. In January of the year 1916 he came to Kerrobert, transferred to the Saskatchewan bar, and has since practiced here. In 1919 he formed a partnership with A. E. Hetherington and the firm is known as Hetherington & Neville. Mr. Hetherington has since moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. In 1916 Mr. Neville put all personal interests aside and enlisted in the army for service in the Great war. He entered the Two Hundred and Tenth Battalion as a private and was commissioned a lieutenant in February, 1917. He was discharged the following May and reenlisted, becoming a member of the Seventy-seventh Battery. He was shortly afterward trans- ferred to the Royal Air Forces and received his final discharge from the army at Camp Rathbun in the year 1918. He immediately returned to Kerrobert and resumed his practice, which is an extensive and important one. He is also town solicitor and has extensive farming interests. Mr. Neville is a stanch supporter of the Liberal party and is never too busy to give his aid to any movement for the advancement of Kerrobert. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church and he is a con- sistent attendant of the Union church. He has always been interested in athletics and during his college days played football and hockey, and is still an enthusiastic follower of those games. For the past three years he has been secretary of the Kerrobert Golf Club and is a member of the Curling, Tennis, Lacrosse and Baseball Clubs. Along strictly profes- sional lines he is a member of the Kerrobert Law Association. Mr.Neville is unmarried. Bibliography follows:

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