The medical profession of Regina has in Dr. Emmet A. McCusker a young physician and surgeon who is well qualified by education and experience to take a leading place as a specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. The son of Daniel and Margaret (Allison) Mc- Cusker, he was born in Alfred, Ontario, in 1889. His education, begun in the public schools of his native province, was continued in the Grattan School and the Collegiate Institute of Regina, following which he took a medical course in McGill University at Montreal, from which he obtained his M. D., C. M. degrees in 1916. Meanwhile the young medical student had been in the Canadian army and had seen service overseas in the Great war. Enlisting as a private in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces in 1915, he went to France with his unit and there remained for about a year. In 1916 he came home to complete his medical course, reenlisting immediately after his graduation as a captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and returning to France for active duty as medical officer for the Twenty-first Battalion Infantry. He was awarded the Military Cross at Hill No.70 in 1917, and in the following year was wounded at Villers Breteneau. Upon his return to Canada at the close of the war, Dr. McCusker entered the Royal Victoria Hospital at Montreal to take a two-year postgraduate course in eye, ear, nose and throat work, and following this for eighteen months was resident surgeon in the Knapp Memorial Eye Hospital in New York city. He rounded out his special training with a year of postgraduate work in Europe before locating in Regina to practice his profession. In September of 1922 he opened an office in the McCallum Hill building and has since been devoting himself exclusively to his work. There are few young men in his profession who have had the advantages in the way of special study and experience that Dr. McCusker has enjoyed. Dr. McCusker is a member of the Knights of Columbus, which indi- cates that in religion he is of the Roman Catholic faith. He is an en- thusiastic Rotarian, while his memberships in the Assiniboia and Was- cana Country Clubs, the Canadian Club and the Boat Club, give the reader a clew to the trend of his recreational activities. He has been well received socially and professionally in the city which was his boy- hood home and may confidently look forward to a long and successful career in his chosen line of work. Bibliography follows:

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