One of the highly enterprising and progressive citizens of Regina is William R. McConnell, manager of the investment department of the Canada Life Assurance Company. He was born in Ontario, in the County of Peterborough, on the 15th of December, 1884. His parents were Wil- liam and Mary D. (Barbour) McConnell of County Tyrone, Ireland, who in early life left their native land and went to the United States. For the first thirteen years they lived in New York city, where Mr. McCon- nell was a successful broker. About 1875 they came to Ontario and en- gaged in farming operations for over twenty years. To Mr. and Mrs. McConnell six children were born, five of whom are living, William R., whose name introduces this review, being the sixth in order of birth. The McConnells were staunch supporters of the Presbyterian church and the father was an active member of the Masonic fraternity. His political allegiance was given to the Liberal party and he maintained an active interest in civic affairs. He was a member of the Municipal council for some years. The public schools of Ontario and Manitoba afforded William R. Mc- Connell his education, and he moved to Manitoba at the age of thirteen years. Upon the completion of his schooling he made his initial step into the financial field, becoming associated with the Canada Life Assurance Company in the investment department. He entered the employ of the company on the 1st of February, 1905, in Winnipeg and he and Robert Young had charge of the three prairie provinces. The total investments at that time amounted to three hundred and fifty thousand dollars and today the company has mortgage investments in the prairie provinces amounting to twenty-five million dollars, besides a large amount invested in bonds and debentures. They have five offices. In December, 1918, Mr. McConnell came to Regina to take charge of the office here and is now the head of the investment department for southern Saskatchewan. There is no phase of the investment business with which he is not familiar, for he has worked his way up from minor positions, and he is discharging the many duties devolving upon him to the complete satisfaction of all. He is president of the Land Mortgage Companies Association of Sas- katchewan. On the 3rd of September, 1913, Mr. McConnell was married to Miss Hattie McAulay, who was born in Morden, Manitoba, and received her education there and in Winnipeg. For a time prior to her marriage she engaged in teaching school. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell are parents of two children: Alan D., who is seven years of age; and Margaret E., aged sixteen months. Mrs. McConnell has a large circle of friends and is active in church and social circles in the city. The religious faith of Mr. McConnell is that of the Presbyterian church and he is a consistent member of the Westminster Presbyterian church in Regina. He is interested in church work and has been one of the managers of the church board for some time. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and has attained the thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite. He is likewise a Noble of the Mystic Shrine and was master of St. John's Lodge, No.4, Winnipeg, for two years, and was the first master of Banner Lodge, No.154, of Regina. Mr. McConnell is past district deputy grand master, District No.1, Winnipeg, and has served on the board of general purposes of Grand Lodge in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Socially he is identified with the Assiniboia Club, Canadian Club and the Regina Golf Club. Mr. McConnell's hobby is golf and he is a member of the board of governors of the Regina Golf Club. He is likewise interested in baseball, bowling and basket-ball. He is a man who takes an enthusiastic interest in every progressive public movement and champions any cause that he feels will advance the welfare of the community either morally, intellectually, socially or financially. Bibliography follows:

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