Michael J. McCloskey, manager of the Banque D'Hochelaga of Prince
Albert, is one of the most intellectual business men of the district and
province. He was born in Grand Falls, New Brunswick, on the 9th of
April, 1885, a son of William S. and Catherine (Kelly) McCloskey, also
natives of Grand Falls. The father was for fifteen years a brakeman on
an old New Brunswick road and for ten years he held the position of
conductor. Subsequently he retired from railroading and engaged in
farming, which line of work he has continued to follow. Mrs. McClos-
key died in August, 1888.
Michael J. McCloskey received his education in the schools of Grand
Falls, New Brunswick, and at the age of fourteen years went to work
on the railroad, working as a section hand for three years. The next
four years he clerked in a local store and drove a delivery wagon and in
1906, at the age of twenty-one years, he made his initial step in the bank-
ing business. He secured a minor position with the bank of Montreal at
Grand Falls and worked his way up in different branches, later being
sent to Quebec. While there he learned the French language and reads
and writes it as well as a native, although he is of Irish descent. In 1912
he left the Bank of Montreal because of impaired health and after spend-
ing ten months in the mountains at the Lake Edward, Quebec, Sanitarium,
he became connected with the Old Quebec Bank at Quebec and in 1913
was sent to Winnipeg as assistant accountant. The same year he was
appointed manager of the bank in Neville, Saskatchewan, and he dis-
charged the duties of that office until 1916, when he engaged in the real
estate and farm loans business on his own account. He achieved substan-
tial success in that connection but in September, 1919, became accountant
for the Banque D'Hochelaga at Gravelbourg and six months later was
appointed manager at Ponteix. He remained there one year and was
then appointed assistant manager at Prince Albert and in 1922 was made
manager of the Banque D'Hochelaga. Mr. McCloskey is the only manager
in the employ of the Bank D'Hochelaga between Ottawa and Vancouver
who is not a Frenchman.
At St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, on the 10th of June, 1913, Mr. McCloskey
was married to Miss Lina Charron and they have become the parents of
four children: Michael William Paul, born in February of the year 1915;
Louis Adrian, born in June, 1918; and two daughters who died at birth.
The McCloskeys are consistent communicants of the Catholic church and
Mr. McCloskey is grand knight of the Knights of Columbus local council,
No. 1519, and upon retiring from this position he was named district
deputy for Northern Saskatchewan, with jurisdiction over Saskatoon,
Battleford and Prince Albert councils. In 1922 he was a member of the
board of directors of the Kiwanis Club and socially is connected with
the Keewatin Club and the Prince Albert Golf Club. Mr. McCloskey is
likewise affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
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