A leading citizen of Saskatoon is James 0. MacCallum, of the Saska-
toon Cartage & Warehouse Company. He was born in Prince Edward
Island, on the 26th of May, 1878, a son of James G. and Mary (Gregor)
MacCallum, natives of the island. The father farmed all of his life in
Prince Edward Island and was one of the best known men in the province.
In the pursuit of his education James 0. MacCallum attended the pub-
lic schools of Prince Edward Island and in due time was graduated from
high school. He then secured a teacher's license and taught for about
six months. He did not find that line of work entirely to his liking and
so entered the employ of the Bank of Nova Scotia, where he spent about
two years. In 1902 he came west and located in Winnipeg, becoming
associated with the Bank of Commerce. He remained with this institu-
tion until 1915, during that time working himself up to the position of
manager. He was first made manager of the bank at Stony Plain, Al-
berta, and one and one-half years later was transferred to Delisle, Sas-
katchewan, where he remained two years. In 1915 he came to Saska-
toon and the following year bought out the transfer business of G. W. A.
Potter. The Saskatoon Cartage & Warehouse Company started out in a
small way and today has a staff of thirty-five employes and operates
twenty-one teams and two trucks. The company is cartage agents for
both the Canadian National and the Canadian Pacific railways. It owns
its warehouse which contains twenty-two thousand square feet of floor
space. The Saskatoon Cartage & Warehouse Company likewise operates
the Union Baggage Transfer Company, which handles baggage for the
Canadian National Railway and the Canadian Pacific Railway.
On the 5th of July, 1910, Mr. MacCallum was married to Miss Lu-
cretia F. Nicholson and to them one child has been born: Marjorie, whose
birth occurred on the 12th of July, 1912. The religious faith of Mr.
MacCallum is that of the Presbyterian church. He is a member of the
executive committee of the local Board of Trade and fraternally is iden-
tified with the Masons, holding membership in Imperial Lodge, No.60.
Socially he holds membership in the Saskatoon Club, the Riverside Coun-
try Club and the Saskatoon Golf Club.
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