David J. Kennedy is in the real estate and insurance business in Unity.
He was born at St. Mary's, Ontario, in February, 1879, a son of Thomas
and Sarah A. (Young) Kennedy, the former a native of Ontario and the
latter of Ireland. Thomas Kennedy farmed in Ontario until 1881, when
he went to Manitoba and took up a homestead forty-five miles west of
Emerson. Later he removed to Elm Creek and farmed there the re-
mainder of his life. His death occurred in January, 1919, when seventy-
four years of age. Mrs. Kennedy died on the 21st of June, 1889.
The rural schools in the vicinity of the home farm in Manitoba
afforded David J. Kennedy his education and he remained with his par-
ents until he became of age. He then went to Great Falls, Montana, where
he worked in the smelting mills for six years and at the termination of
that time removed to the United States and located in Idaho, where he
engaged in mining for three years. He was manager of the Singer Sewing
Machine Company at Lead, South Dakota, and Cheyenne, Wyoming, for
three years and in 1912 returned to Canada and located in Unity, where
he ventured into the mercantile business. He was thus occupied four
and one-half years, disposing of the store at the end of that time to take
up his present position in insurance and real estate circles. He has be-
come unusually successful in this line of work, has extensive farming
interests here and owns considerable business and residence property.
In September, 1912, Mr. Kennedy was married to Miss Margaret
Jones of Lead, South Dakota, and they have three children; Euhpemia,
born on the 2d of February, 1916; Vernon, born on the 17th of April,
1918; and William, born on the 15th of October, 1922. In his political
views Mr. Kennedy is a Liberal and he has firm belief in the principles
of that party as factors in good government. He is essentially public-
spirited, being ever cognizant of the duties and responsibilities, as well
as the privileges of good citizenship, and he has taken a prominent part
in public affairs. He served as overseer of the village in 1916 and has
been a member of the city council for years. He is a prominent member
of the Board of Trade. Fraternally Mr. Kennedy is identified with the
Masons and is a member of the Unity Golf Club and the Curling Club.
His religious faith is that of the Methodist church. Mr. Kennedy is an
enthusiastic booster of Canada and his chosen province, for he believes
that the future holds even greater prosperity for this country.
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