A representative member of the medical profession in Yorkton was
Dr. Clarence M. Henry of the Yorkton Clinic, who practiced here from
1903 until March 1, 1923. He was born in New Durham, Ontario, on
the 30th of August, 1874, a son of George and Evelyn (Merrill) Henry,
who are living in South Dakota, the father being a retired farmer.
In the acquirement of his early education Clarence M. Henry attended
the public schools of his birthplace and was graduated from McGill Uni-
versity with the M.D., C. M., degrees in 1902. In October of the following
year he came to Yorkton and practiced here until March 1, 1923, when
he gave up general practice in Yorkton and moved to Regina, Saskatche-
wan, to take up Practice as a specialist in Radiation Therapy and X-ray
interpretation. In addition to his private practice Dr. Henry was medical
health officer for the city of Yorkton, having held this important position
for ten years. He is a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Saskatchewan, is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, a fellow
of the Royal College of England and Dominion of Canada Licensee.
In June of the year 1907, Dr. Henry was married to Miss Christina
Currie, the ceremony being performed in Winnipeg. To them four chil-
dren have been born: Cathaleen, Elaine, Brock and Marion. Dr. Henry
was one of the prominent men in Yorkton politics and took a great in-
terest in public affairs, studying conditions and influencing standards. He
served on the city council and was a member of the high school board.
Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows. Always a close and earnest student of medicine in its scien-
tific aspects, he has attained a degree of proficiency which places him in
the, front ranks of prominent and skillful physicians. He has not, how-
ever, overlooked the broader phases of his work-the opportunity for aid-
ing distress, the obligation to misery, the influencing
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