The legal profession of Saskatoon finds a worthy representative in J.
Wilfred Estey, a prominent barrister and solicitor. He is crown prose-
cutor and also a member of the well known firm of Gilchrist, Hogarth &
Estey. He was born in York county, New Brunswick, on the 1st of
December, 1889, a son of Byron L. and Sarah Ann (Kee) Estey, natives
of New Brunswick. For many years the father conducted a grocery
business in New Brunswick and acquired a comfortable income. He is
now living retired in Vancouver.
J. Wilfred Estey was reared and educated in Fredericton, New Bruns-
wick, and subsequently enrolled in the University of New Brunswick,
from which institution he was graduated with the B. A. degree in 1910.
In the fall of 1911 he entered Harvard and was graduated with the LL.
B. degree in 1915. In that same year he came to Saskatoon and lectured
in law at the University of Saskatoon for one year, and continues this
work. Mr. Estey was admitted to the bar on the 1st of May, 1917, and
he began the practice of his profession in connection with the firm of
McCraney, Mackenzie & Hutchinson, remaining with them until the fall
of 1921. Mr. Mackenzie was then Crown Prosecutor and he was ap-
pointed to the Bench. Mr. Estey was appointed to fill the vacancy and
assumed the duties of Crown Prosecutor on the 19th of October, 1921.
He is discharging the duties of this office to the complete
satisfaction of
all and has won the confidence and esteem of both his professional
brethren and fellowmen. Mr. Estey formed a partnership with R. F.
Hogarth and W. A. Gilchrist in September, 1921, and the firm of Gil-
christ, Hogarth & Estey maintains well appointed offices in the Canada
building. Mr. Estey brought to the profession thorough training and
innate ability and his clientele is extensive and important.
On the 27th of September, 1916, Mr. Estey was married to Miss Muriel
A. I. Baldwin, a daughter of William and Nellie (Irving) Baldwin, na-
tives of New Brunswick. Mr. Baldwin is still active in business circles
and he and his wife continue to make their home in New Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. Estey have two sons: Clarence L. B., born on the 29th of
June, 1917; and Willard J., born on the 10th of October, 1919.
Since attaining his majority Mr. Estey has given his political alle-
giance to the Liberal party. He has maintained an active interest in
local civic affairs, and he gives a good citizen's attention to any move-
ment for the upbuilding of the community in which he resides. The
religious faith of Mr. Estey is that of the Baptist church, and fraternally
he is identified with the Masons. He holds membership in the Saskatoon
Club, the Canadian Club and the Saskatoon Golf Club. Along strictly
professional lines he is identified with the Saskatoon Bar Association,
the Saskatchewan Bar Association and the Canadian Bar
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 J. Wilfred Estey,J. Wilfred Estey,J. Wilfred Estey J. Wilfred Estey,J. Wilfred Estey,J. Wilfred Estey J. Wilfred Estey,J. Wilfred Estey,J. Wilfred Estey
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