Prominent among the foremost physicians and surgeons of Moose
Mountain district is Dr. William Elliott, of Wolseley, who has also taken
an active and prominent part in political affairs. He was born in
Ontario, in 1863, a son of James and Eleanor (Dunn) Elliott.
In the pursuit of his education William Elliott attended the Jones
school at Logan, Ontario, and the Mitchell high school. Later he entered
the University of Toronto and there was a medalist from the medical
department in 1893. Immediately after receiving his degree he engaged
in the practice of his chosen profession, bringing to the profession thor-
ough training and innate ability, and he achieved success from the start.
During a period of thirty years he has practiced in Grenfell, Lemberg,
Pheasant Forks, Neudorf, Glen Avon, Baring, Kaiser Crossing, Mont-
martre and Sintaluta. He has become known throughout the southern
part of the province for his medical skill and is one of the oldest and most
popular medical practitioners. He has never refused a call for medical
aid, no matter how fatigued he was, and he has ministered to the rich
and poor alike.
Dr. Elliott has not only been prominent in professional circles. He
has always been interested in civic affairs and is a well known figure in
public life. He was elected to the territorial legislature in 1898 and
reelected to that body in 1902. He was a member of the Haultain gov-
ernment as Minister of Agriculture from 1903 to 1905 and in that year
was elected to the first provincial legislature, and was returned to that
body in 1908. He was active in that important capacity until 1912, when
he was defeated on the reciprocity issue. In his public services, as in
his professional services, Dr. Elliott has given his best and he well merits
the position accorded him among the most prominent and substantial
citizens of the province.
In 1896, at Portage la Prairie, Dr. Elliott was married to Miss M. J.
Carter, a daughter of the late William Carter of Mitchell, Ontario. Fra-
ternally the Doctor is identified with the Masons and he also holds mem-
bership in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Independent
Order of Foresters. He is a member of the Assiniboia Club of Regina.
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