The Rev. Gilbert Farquhar Davidson, M. A., rector of St. Paul's church and one of the archdeacons of the Anglican diocese of Qu'Appelle, is a native of London, England, his birth having occurred on the 4th of February, 1871, and he comes from a family of the English gentry. His father was the late Gilbert Davidson. His mother is still living and re- sides in England. The three children of the Davidson family were reared in the faith of the Church of England. After attending various schools in his native lan~:Gilbert Farquhar Davidson came out to Canada, where he completed his.liberal education in Trinity University, Toronto, taking the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1895 and the Master of Arts degree the following year. In 1923 he re- ceived the degree of M. A. (ad eundum statum) from the University of Saskatchewan. He received his theological training in Toronto also and was ordained deacon and priest in 1895, following which he was curate in St. Anne's parish of that city for three years. From 1898 to 1901 he was fellow and lecturer at Trinity College, Toronto. In the latter years he went to Guelph, Ontario, as vicar of St. George's church, a position he held until 1907 when he became rector. His work there at- tracted the favorable attention of the other churchrn~n in the diocese, with the result that he was made archdeacon in 1911 and continued to hold that office until he came to Regina in 1918 to become rector of St. Paul's church. His church, which has a membership of about five hun- dred families, is one of the important ones in the city, thus as its rector Mr. Davidson has been in a position to do much effective work toward the moral and spiritual upbuilding of Regina, both within and without his parish. His superior abilities and earnest work as a priest won quick recognition in his new diocese, and he was made canon in 1919, the year after he came to Saskatchewan. Canon Davidson was raised to the post of archdeacon in 1922 and takes an important part in the management of the affairs of the diocese. In 1902 Mr. Davidson was united in marriage to Miss Marian Jane Taylor of England. He is a prominent Mason, a Knight Templar and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. In 1910 he was worshipful master of Speed Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Guelph, and now is master of Banner Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Regina. In 1923 he was appointed grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan. Nor has this busy clergyman con- fined his attention to work of a religious nature. He has taken an active part in public affairs since coming to Regina, strongly supporting all that is best in the moral, civic and cultural development of his community and is now a member of the school board. A scholar of considerable ability and excellent training, Mr. Davidson is also gifted with unusual powers of expression and is a very effective orator. He has done much lecturing from time to time and is always in demand as a public speaker. Bibliography follows:

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