Dr. George L. Cameron is one of the representative citizens of Swift
Current, where he has practiced dentistry since 1908. During that time
he has made many friends in the city and district and has a large patron-
age. He was born in Nelson, Ontario, on the 7th of May, 1884, a son of
Daniel George Cameron, a retired clergyman living in Swift Current, Sas-
The public schools of Ontario afforded George L. Cameron his early
education and subsequently he enrolled in McGill University, from which
institution he was graduated in 1908, and he also attended the Hamilton
Collegiate Institute. In 1908 he came west and located in Swift Current,
Saskatchewan, where he has continued to reside. He proved to be skilled
in his profession and achieved success from the start. Dr. Cameron went
overseas in 1915, with the Ninth Canadian Mounted Rifles, later trans-
ferring to the First Canadian Infantry Battalion, in serving with which
unit he was wounded in April, 1918, while holding the rank of major,
and was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. Subsequently he was
returned to Regina and the government placed him in charge of the dental
service for Military Districts 12 and 13. He was demobilized from the
army in 1919.
In 1912 Dr. Cameron was married to Miss Rowena Shaver, and to
their union four children have been born: Muriel, Douglas, Bruce and
Gordon. Mrs. Cameron is a woman of charming and magnetic personality
and she maintains an active interest in the club and social affairs of Swift
Current. Fraternally the Doctor is identified with the Masons and the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is past grand master of the latter
order. Dr. Cameron is a past president of the Swift Current Rotary Club,
president of the College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan, an ex-alder-
man of the city of Swift Current, and is a public-spirited citizen in every
sense of the word. Those who know him, and his friends are legion, find
him a genial and cordial man, whose personal qualities as well as his pro-
fessional skill entitle him to the high regard in which he is uniformly held.
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