Harvey John Borland, Registrar of Land Titles in Saskatoon was born in Huron county, Ontario, in March, 1885, a son of Hiram and Mary (McNiel) Borland, the former a native of Bowmanville, Ontario, and the latter of Fullarton, Ontario. For the greater part of his life the father engaged in farming in the province of Ontario, owning considerable valu- able land in the Huron district. A brother of Harvey John Borland is now operating the home farm. Hiram Borland was an active member of the Liberal party, although he never sought nor desired political preferment. He was essentially public-spirited and was well informed on all important questions and issues of the day. His death occurred in September of the year 1919 and came as a severe shock to his family and many friends. His widow survives him and continues to reside in Ontario. In the pursuit of his education Harvey John Borland attended the public and high schools of Huron district and subsequently took up the study of law in Winnipeg for three years. He completed his legal train- ing in his brother's law office in Saskatoon and was admitted to the bar on the 1st of June, 1911. He then practiced with his brother, becoming a member of the prominent firm of Borland, McIntyre & Borland. That association was maintained until the 1st of March, 1913, when he was appointed to his present position as Registrar of Land Titles, succeeding James S. Mowat, who is deceased. Mr. Borland is a business man of ability and is thoroughly competent to manage the important work which has been intrusted to him. On the 21st of May, 1913, Mr. Borland was married to Miss Charlotte Ruth Scholar of Detroit, a daughter of John W. and Ellen (Baxter) Scholar, the former a native of Chatham, Ontario, and the mother of Guelph, that province. In his early manhood Mr. Scholar went to the United States and located in Michigan, where he was supervisor of a number of lumber mills. He was one of the widely known and success- ful lumbermen of his day and was actively identified with lumber circles until a short time prior to his death, on the 18th of February, 1923. Mrs. Scholar is living in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Borland have two children: Alice Evelyn, horn on the 18th of April, 1914; and Robert Bell, born on the 4th of May, 1915. Mrs. Borland is a woman of culture and refine- ment and she is prominent in the club and social circles of Saskatoon. The religious faith of Mr. Borland is that of the Presbyterian church. Socially he is identified with the Saskatoon Golf Club, the Canadian Club and the Saskatoon Curling Club. He has always been a lover of clean sports and he finds his greatest recreation in golf, curling and football, and he holds membership in various football organizations in this district. Although his duties as Registrar of Land Titles demand the greater part of his time and attention he is never too busy to take an interest in civic affairs and he is well informed on the important questions and issues of the day. He has a genial and pleasing personality and has the gift for making and keeping friends. Bibliography follows:

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